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Roman Footwear - all types, all periods (website)

There's a wide breadth of information regarding Roman footwear on this website : ... melist.htm

It touches on all periods of Roman history (i.e. Late Republc to Late Empire) and all types of footwear including various officer and commoner types. It also explains what many technical terms mean, including some obscure ones. And if you browse through the website you'll find tips on shoemaking and information on other non-Roman periods.

(I found the site independently but it was mentioned long ago in a thread buried in the Market Place section where no one is sure to bump into it :wink: )

Yes it is a pretty good site, but not many links to pictures on most topics. A flaw for less knowledgeable people like myself. Sad
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Ave to all,

I agree that the website is very useful, however, I have to wonder where the author came up with the illustrations as I didn't see a lot of biblio....or am I over looking things? :?
Vitruvius...aka Larry Mager
Larry A. Mager
Quote:Ave to all,

I agree that the website is very useful, however, I have to wonder where the author came up with the illustrations as I didn't see a lot of biblio....or am I over looking things? :?
Vitruvius...aka Larry Mager

You have to explore the website a bit to find it.
Click on the "contents" link at the bottom, then click Bibliograpghy and scroll down to 'Archeology - Roman'.

Quote:Archaeology - Roman
Bishop, M. C., and J. C. Coulston. Roman Military Equipment: From the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome. London: Batsford, 1993.
Born, Wolfgang. "Footwear in Greece and Rome." "The Development of Footwear". CIBA Review 34 (1940): 1217-1223.
Busch, A.L. "Die Römerzeitlichen Schuh- Und Lederfunde Der Kastelle Saalburg, Zugmantel Und Kleiner Feldberg." Saalburg Jahrbuch 22 (1965): 158-210.
Dietrich, A. F. "Gentili, Mobilier Du Puits Gallo-Romain De Servon (Seine-Et-Marne)." Bull. Instrumentum 8 (1998): 25-26.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "The Leatherwork." In The Early Wooden Forts. Preliminary Reports on the Leather, Textiles, Environmental Evidence and Dendrochronology, 1-75.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Roman Footwear: A Mirror of Fashion and Society." "Technical Paper, no. 8". Recent Research in Archaeological Footwear (1987): 32-42.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Römischer Schuhfund in Welzheim." Jahresheft der Hist. Verein welzheimer Wald 10 (1994): 44-53.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Gender in Question." In Theoretical Roman Archaeology, Second Conference Proceedings, ed. P. Rush (dir.), 3-21. Aldershot, 1995.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Military Leatherwork and Footwear." In The Roman Small Finds. Report on the Excavations at Usk 1965-76, ed. W.H. Manning, J. Price and J. Webster (dir.), 34-35; 114-121. Cardiff, 1995.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Nailing Roman Shoes." "IPP Publ. 697". Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 1 (1995): 6-7.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Women in Forts?" Ges. Pro Vindonissa (1997): 55-61.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "The Leatherwork from the Fort." In Roman Castleford Vol. I. The Small Finds, ed. Cool. H.E.M. and C. Philo (dir.), 285-334. Wakefield, 1998.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. Pers. comm. regarding Roman shoemaking and turned shoes., 1998?
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Die Römischen Lederfunde." In Das Ostkastell Von Welzheim, Rems-Murr-Kreis, Forschungen Und Berichte Zur Vor- Und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 9-114.: 42, 1999.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "A Set of Roman Clothing from Les Martres-De-Veyre, France." Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 28 (1999): 11-15.
Driel-Murray, Carol van. "Footwear in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire." In In Stepping through Time: Archaeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800, 336-376. ZwoIIe Netherlands: Stichting Promotie Archeologie, 2001.
Goldman, N. "Roman Footwear." In The World of Roman Costume, ed. J. Lynn Sebesta and L. Bonfante, 1201-129. Madison, 1994.
Göpfrich, Jutta. Romische Lederfunde Aus Mainz. Vol. 42 Sonderdruck Aus Dem Saalburg-Jahrbuch. Mainz Am Rhein: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern, 1986.
Lau, Otto. "Schuster Und Schusterhandwerk in Der Griechisch-Romischen Literatur Und Kunst." Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät, Rheinischen Freidrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn, 1967.
Metcalf, A. C., and R. B. Longmore. "Leather Artifacts from Vindolandia." Transactions of the Museum Assistants’ Group for 1973 12 (1973).
Mingaud, M. "Ateliers Et Centres De Production De Vannerie Dans L'occident Romain. Mél." Casa Velazques XXVIIII,no. 1 (1992): 37-64.
Montembault, Véronique. "Découverte Gallo-Romaine: Les Sandales De Naintré." La chaussure 6 (199?): 100.
Montembault, Véronique. "The Collection of the Egyptian Department of the Musée Du Louvre." In Primary Results of the Study, Icom 1995 Working Group N°10, Interim Meeting on the Treatment of and the Research into Leather, in Particular of Ethnographic Objects, 36-90. Amsterdam, 1997.
Montembault, Véronique, and Musée du Louvre Département des antiquités égyptiennes. Catalogue Des Chaussures De L’antiquite Egyptienne. Paris: Reunion des musées nationaux, 2000.
Nicholson, Paul T., and Ian Shaw. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Cambridge New York, 2000.
Waasdorp, J. A. "Van Romeinse Soldaten En Cananefaten." In Gebruiksvoorwerpen Van De Scheveningseweg, Den Haag 1999.

Ave Theo,
Thanks for putting the biblio on. I'm afraid that I didn't have a lot of time to explore the site in its entirerity(sic?) It has given me some ideas just from its illios as to how to sew certain items, although, like so many other things in our field, I feel obligated to disagree with certain things, first and foremost the given definition for "Corthurnus". Most statuary showing the Boots show a definite left and right sole, not, as the article states, that the sole was designed so it could fit either foot. A minor point admittedly, in an otherwise well done article. Thats it for now, Theo, Big Grin D .

Salve, my friend,

Larry Mager a.k.a Vitruvius
Larry A. Mager
Certainly a good an informative site!

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