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Balearic Bibliography
Nt sure if this is the right place for this or not so if it isn't please forgive my ignorance.

I'm working on a researsh paper for another organization on the Balearic Slingers. In order to keep the stories straight I wanted to create a biblography of the roman authors that mentioned the balearics and thier slingers.

So far I have:

Strabo--(63BC-24AD)--[edit] The Geography (AD 7-23)

Diodorus Siculus (90BC-30BC),Bibliotheca historica ("Historical Library"), XIII, 80, 2.

Livy--Titus Livy (59 BC-17AD);(From the Founding of the City),XXVIII 37,3

Julius Caesar (100bc-44BC)--Gallelic War- (58-51BC)II, 7, 1)

Publius Ovidius Naso (43BC-17AD), Metamorphoses, ('Transformations'), 15 books, published 8 BC.

Publius Vergilius Maro (70BC-19BC) ,the Georgics ("On Farming")[37BC-29BC]

Ok am I missing any?
I'll try and add the various quotes of each author to this as i get the time.

Marc Adkins
Vegetius I. 16.

Sidonius Apollinaris, Carmen XXIII. 345. (although I've seen only a reference to this text, not the text itself)

Didn't realize that Vegetius mentioned the Balearics..going to have to go back and find it.
I'll also see if I can track down the second text you mentioned below.

Thank you Sir,

Marc Adkins

Vegetius I. 16.

Sidonius Apollinaris, Carmen XXIII. 345. (although I've seen only a reference to this text, not the text itself)



Sidonius Apollinaris, Carmen XXIII. 345. (although I've seen only a reference to this text, not the text itself)

here is a URL to the Latin Text ( This might be a bit ugly) ... n_vii.html


Marc Adkins
Hi Marc,
yes, but it's Carmen VII. There's nothing about Balearic slingers. We need to find the Carmen XXIII and on that site this one is missing.

Fortunately, I've found the latin text we need on the site of Monumenta Germaniae Historica.


So as not to create a new topic, I to tie up to this one. If this is the wrong place, I'm sorry and please move this thread.

I am writing a book about Balearic slingers and I'm looking for these publications:

A.V.M. Hubrecht, The Use of the Sling in the Balearic Island, BVAB, 39, 1964, pp. 92-93.

M. Poux, Les frondeurs de César, L'Archéologue / Archéologie Nouvelle, 48, 2000, p. 34-36.

Thomas Völling, Funditores im römischen Heer, Saalburg-Jahrbuch, 45, 1990, s. 24-58.

J. Marty, Auxiliaires des Légions de Jules César durant la guerre des Gaules, 2016 (pp. 63-69).

As if someone could suggest where to get them or could lend them I would be very obliged!


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