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Harpalos the Forgotten (480 BC)
There is a little known fact about the pontoon bridge of Xerxes over the Hellespont, namely that its architect was - like with Dareios earlier bridge - actually a Greek, called Harpalos (Herodot is strangely silent about the name of the architect in his Histories). His name is recorded in the Laterculi Alexandrini, a Ptolemaic papryus found in an Egyptian grave, and edited by one German scholar Diehl in the early 1900s.

In case anyone has access, could you perhaps post the relevant passage here with the exact reference?

Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)
The reference is:

H. Diels, "Laterculi Alexandrini aus einem Papyrus ptolemaischer Zeit," Abhandlungen der koeniglich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1904)

but we don't have it here, I'm afraid.
Dan Diffendale
Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan
I remember him!
I have now Diehls! From a worn 1904 Prussian publication which already look pretty close to the Papyrus it features!

The problem: Diehls did not bother to give a German translation. :?

Is there someone able and willing to translate four - rather short - paragraphs of 2nd century BC Greek into English? Smile

I plan to include the source at Wikipedia in order to give Harpalos the post mortem fame he deserves.
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)
Quote:Is there someone able and willing to translate four - rather short - paragraphs of 2nd century BC Greek into English?
Sure, send it my way Stefan... I've pm'ed you.
Dan Diffendale
Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan
Please post them or PM Dan.
Kind regards
In case somebody is interested drop me a pm. It's 20 MB.
Stefan (Literary references to the discussed topics are always appreciated.)

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