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Another History Channel Filming, soon
If anyone's driving up from or through the Philadelphia area, drop me a line if you've got room in your vehicle... <p></p><i></i>
Dan Diffendale
Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan
The Canadian members of legio XXX seem to be interested. Four of them have hamata. I have a few period appropriate pieces, but like most my kit is more appropriate for the 1st century AD rather than the 1st century BC. Like Matt I lament not having a bit more time to get a more Ceasarian era kit together. <p></p><i></i>
Danno and Lee,<br>
George Metz, who lives in the Philadelphia area is going. He's the primary one who negotiated the stipend. You can contact him via email at [email protected] .<br>
I am also getting some interest from Legio III Cyrenaica in Massachusetts; they also have a new member in Westchester County NY south of the Hyde Park area(which is in Duchess County).<br>
Frankly, I don't have Caesarian gear, either. The closest I get is Augustan - Hamata, Coolus helmet, etc. However, if as many of us as can are in hamata and earlier brass helmets or the very early imperial (Gallic A), then we will have done more to come close to what would have been worn by Roman legionaries of Caesar's time, than has previously been the practice for most any program History Channel or any other which uses live reenactors has done so far. The majority of TV or movies has legionaries in the usual lorica segmentata and imperial style helmets (or some approximation of-since that is the public's idea of a Roman soldier)<br>
And as a comment to those who have commented on the "virtual Roman armies" in Decisive Battles. One reason I got into reenacting is because "virtual" was simply not enough for me. It has its uses, and certainly has a role in showing large army movement. But we reeanctors have a role too. Not least of which is showing that the US has more than "Rev" War and Civil War reenactors, and to see the Roman Army and Roman Soldiers up close and personal.<br>
I happened to think: Owen of Legio XX also lives in the "Philly" area-though he may well have his hands full with the new baby who arrived this summer (as well as his wife's claims on his time).<br>
Finally, I do appreciate that many of you guys have wives, children/Families, which dictate how much time you have to give to something like this. Please accept my apologies for any offense caused by my remarks about traveling in my earlier post. I'm single (actually divorced-no children) and have no immediate family with a rightful claim on my time.<br>
Marcus Quintius Clavus/Quinton<br>
Quinton Johansen
Marcus Quintius Clavus, Optio Secundae Pili Prioris Legionis III Cyrenaicae
I just called La Wren's Nest. They have some Coolus helmets on hand. I figure something like a Coolus G would be wearable with my Corbridge A seg and I wouldn't look too out of place. <p></p><i></i>
Coolus E or C would be a little closer than a G (neckguard size, mostly), but that's the kind of detail that won't be obvious in most film shots anyway. But I'd have to say that a lorica segmentata is right out. It's just too late a piece, and it's the kind of stereotype that we all wish could be avoided on TV or in the movies. Like I said, though, if all you have is a tunic and footwear, there will still be things like work party scenes that you'll be perfect for, without armor or shield.<br>
It's good to see that folks are still motivated to get in on this! Don't worry, Marcus, I don't think anyone took offense. Some of us have restrictions, but we are happy to cheer (if a little enviously!) for the guys with more freedom and energy! I've just been composing my own response, with regrets, to Chris, and at least I'll be able to give him some hope. PLEASE CONTACT HIM, as well as George Metz, if you still want to participate!<br>
Thanks, guys, and make us proud. Valete,<br>
Matthew/Quintus <p></p><i></i>
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
Well, here's how it went.<br>
The Crew, were very hard working and listened to many suggestions.<br>
There were a dozen legionaries and Julius Ceaser.<br>
All of the Miles and the Centurion wore Maille, red tunics, and brass helmets.<br>
The century of the helmets varied from era to era but this was, afterall, a short notice volunteer thing.<br>
As for the Gauls, ( only 5 showed up) well you will all go ballistic if and when you see them but before you do I'd like you all to remmebr this.<br>
This production company is a small (5 or 6) group of people, probably in their late 20's/early 30's. They are an Indie company. They are NOT a 400 person Ted Turner/ Network group.<br>
They are not History Channel Employees.<br>
They are also not Historians.<br>
Their Budget is probably made up of peanuts and shoe strings.<br>
In effect, they are sub contractors.<br>
They had 12 re-eanctors, one actor playing Julius Ceaser, 2 SCA Barbarian/TUchux esque Gauls, with good Fantasy armour, and three Newyork Guals with costumes that made them look like firsttimers at a NERO event ( They actually are firsttimers to any event)<br>
They had a psycho Horse that kept trying to throw Julius Ceaser off a cliff.<br>
The Make up was done by two NYU students, for free, who are taking a special effects makeup class.<br>
It Rained.<br>
It was cold.<br>
George went off on someone<br>
I yelled at all of the faux PHDs who tried to tell the rest of us how smart they were and how dumb we were.<br>
Basically, a typical event.<br>
Too Bad John Ebels gladiators weren't there to party with afterwards, at would been REALLY rowdy!<br>
They had two days to get this done.<br>
And Directing Reeanctors is like herding cats!<br>
Mike Heenan, the NEW commander of Our group, legio III Cyerenaica, and my former Platoon Seargent many years ago,( who was also there for this shoot) taught me this saying back in the early 80's. " Go with what you got!"<br>
It means that they, the production company, could have cried and moaned and complained about things but that would not get their stuff made.<br>
SO yes, if this peice ever appears, and if this segement is included in it,<br>
There will only be 12 Miles, and Ceaser in the shots.<br>
Ceaser's Horse is a nut.<br>
the Gauls are campy and Farby.<br>
There are only 5 of them.( They worked their tails off)<br>
It was Cold.<br>
It was Rainy.<br>
Hollywood Smollywood, I like my day job better.<br>
Blame the accountants, not the film makers.<br>
Thanks for listening.<br>
I'm eager to see it either way. You can say your famous now!<br>
Does Leg III Cyr. Have a website? Been trying to track you guys down, you're only down the hill as it were.<br>
drop me an email sometime<br>
<p>-ANDY ~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Roman Dude.<br>
Svaviter in Modo, Fortiter in Re (Soft in Manner, Strong in Deed)<br>
<br> <br> </p><i></i>
Go to:<br>
Now if I can just get over the head cold that I came back with. <p></p><i></i>
Here's our "web site" as it were.<br>
I kind of threw it together<br>
I'm not computer illiterate but,<br>
I only got me a 3'rd grade edjamacachun<br> <br>
Rich <p></p><i></i>
#25 <p></p><i></i>
vale rich,<br>
some html tips. since all the email links on your site aint werkin' I'd make em like this...<br>
The ONE<br>
The quotes has to be their correct case sensitive email and the name before the slash a can be what ever name you want it to be. So what you would see is a hyperlink to The ONE that would go to my email.<br>
<a href="">My Photos<br>
You need to have the anchors here as well. same comments as above.<br>
Plus Darren Nunez has moved to the other side of Lake Ponchatrain. I'll have to get you his new mailing addy.<br>
We have a url for Leg III Gallica....<br>
[url=" target="top][/url] <p>[url=" target="top][/url]</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Dave Kufner</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 10/10/04 3:05 pm<br></i>
Hmmm.... Spectacles! <p></p><i></i>
Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

<a class="postlink" href="">
the shot with Randy's glasses was a "non" filming shot.<br>
that is us standing around going<br>
"It's cold it's cold , it's F****** COLD"<br>
It's an "off camera" thingy <p></p><i></i>
If I remember correctly, Randy had to be told several times to remove his glasses before a shoot....<br>
But then to be fair I know how glasses can become a part of you, and how difficult it is to go around all day looking into blurred faces. Next time we hit the field, it's dark glasses, scutum, and white cane..... <p></p><i></i>
I know what you mean. More than once I have gone to bed still wearing my glasses without realising it. However, that has yet to happen when I am in kit. The reason that I no longer shoot artillery is tht I cannot actually see the target, let alone aim at it!<br>
Crispvs <p></p><i></i>
Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

<a class="postlink" href="">

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