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Lorica Squamata: Shoulders
Hello Everybody,

could You please tell me how the circle of scales you can see on Lorica Squamata reconstructions is made? Are the scales tapered? Do they have different a hole-pattern? I have looked at a lot of photographs already, but I still do not understand how the circle is achieved. I would realy appreciate it, if you could tell me how the circle-shaped part of your Lorica Squamata was achieved. Thanks in advance Smile



I'm not sure if I understand your meaning of circle or is it the curve one achieves as the scales climb from the chest upwards.
What I have done when making squamata is that as the garment is made from the bottom up when reaching just below the breast area the row of scales are lifted just slightly at the sides each row until reaching the shoulders where the scales become horizontal.
I have made the type that have a six hole arrangement at the top of the scales so one has only to lift the scales just that bit that does not show the fixing holes and it slowly becomes the circle you mention.
Brian Stobbs
Well, there are in fact some finds of a collar from Carlisle for instance (if I remember right).

Still, most squamata used in re-enactment seem to be made with personal preferences or after the (possibly less preferable) pattern DSC started to use. In the DSC squamata the scales of the circular part are just like all others and simply forced into a circle as they are stiched to the backing fabric following the circle.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Thanks for the replys!

@Jvrjenivs: "(possibly less preferable)" - Are there any indications, that there is a more preferable pattern? And if so, how does it look?



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