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mail armour - looking for various articles
At present I am still looking for various articles on mail armour. Some of these concern the Roman period, others consider mail in general or refer to other periods. A list of the articles I am looking for is presented below.

I am willing to trade articles or pay for expenses made. Any help will be most welcome.

With kind regards,


Alfs, J.
1941 Der Bewegliche Metallpanzer im Römische Heer; die Geschichte seiner Herkunft und Entwicklung. Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde: Neue Folge 7: 69-126. (I am not certain if this article –partly- is dedicated to mail armour)

Caldwell, David H, Cormack, W.F. & Thea Gabra-Sanders
2005 A Mail Fragment from the Mediaeval Church at Barhobble. Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 3rd ser., 79, pp. 95-100 (ISSN 01411292)

Cormack, W.F.
1989 The Iron Mail from Wyre, Orkney. Privately circulated ms. copies in the National Monuments Record of Scotland and Tankerness House Museum, Kirkwall. Barhobble - Interim Report, No 4.

Croom, Alexandra
1998 Spectacular Find of a Roman Iron Ring-Mail Suit at Arbeia Roman Fort. Minerva: the International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology. Vol. 9, Nr. 2.

Day, Robert
1878 On a Hauberk of Chain Mail, and Silvered Badge, found in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Journal of the Kilkenny and Southeast of Ireland Archaeological Society. vol. 4 (1878), afl. 3, pag. 494

Drescher, H.
1981 Untersuchung des Ringgeflechtes auf Sörup I. In: Sörup I: Ein Gräberfeld der Eisenzeit in Angeln., Offa-Bücher 46, K. Raddatz (ed.), Neumünster.

Edge, David
2004 Problems and Pitfalls in the Identification of European Mail. In: The Spring 2004 London Park Lane Arms Fair, David A. Oliver (editor), Apollo Magazine Ltd.

Ellis, Bruce T. & Arthur L. Woodward
1955 A possible Chain Mail Fragment from Pottery Mound. El Palacio. Vol. 62 (5-6): 181-185.

Garbsch, J.
1984 Ein römisches Paradekettenhemd von Bertoldsheim, Ldkr. Neuberg-Schrotenhausen. Neuburger Kollektaneenblatt. Vol. 136: 239-53.

Garlick, M.
1980 The Reconstruction and Use of a Lorica Hamata. Exercitus. Vol. 1: 6-8.

Griffiths, W.B.
1996 A Fragment of Ring-Mail from Chesters´. Arma. Vol. 8, Nr. 1-2: 3-4.

Grunwald, Lutz
1997 Ein Kettenhemd aus Rullstorf, ldkr. Lüneberg. Die Kunde: Zeitschrift für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Neue Folge 48: 99-109.

Hawkins, Q.
1997 Hand-Locked Iron: A Study of Chain-Mail Armour. Medieval Life. Issue 6, pp. 11-14.

Hruby, F.
1959 Ein Ringpanzer der Hallstattzeit. Sborník Prací Filozofické Fakulty Brněnské Univerzity. Vol. VIII, 33.

Kelly, F.
1934 Römisch-Romanische Ringelpanzer, ihre Darstellung in der gleichzeitigen Kunst. Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. Neue Folge 4: 204-10.

Knorr, H.A.
1970 Westslawische Gürtelhaken und Kettenschließgarnituren (Ein Beitrag zur Deutung Alt-Lübecker Funde). Offa: Berichte und Mitteilungen zur Urgeschichte, Frühgeschichte und Mitteralterarchäologie. Bande 27, pp. 92-104.

Malfilåtre, Michel Kalsbøll
1993 Ringbrynjen fra Hedegård –fremstillingsteknik og metode. Konservatorskolen, Det Kongelig Danske Kunstakademi.

Nicklasson, PÃ¥vel
1989 Ringväv och sårsvett – Om tillverkning och användning av ringbrynjor. C-uppsats vid arkeologiska instutionen i Lund. (studier av danske mosefunn fra førromersk og romersk jernalder)

Rose, W(alther)
1897 Die Verzierungen auf orientalischen Panzerhemden. Zeitschrift für historische Waffenkunde. (1897/99)
1906 Römisch-germanischen Panzerhemden. Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. Vol. 4: 1-8. (1906-1908)
? Behördliche Beschau-Sarwürker-und-Eigentümermarken auf okzidentalischen Maschenpanzern. Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde. (12, 1929-31, S. 77 ff, 99 ff)
? Die Verzierung alt-orientalischer Panzerringe. (1902-05)

Ustohal, V. & M. Ptáčková
1988 Joints of Rings in an Iron Mail. Metallography. 98: pp. 520-522.
Hi Martjin,

I think I can possibly help you on a few of those, at least the "Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde" ones, as I know that the Bavarian State Library Munich has that series (looked at one issue yesterday :-) ) .

A suggestion for the rest: check the following 2 opacs for the articles you are looking for and let me know what you found, I will then see how much of those I can get you.

That is very nice of you. Thank you.

I will check those links and will get back to you through e-mail.


I would like to thank Martin Moser and Alexandr K for kindly providing several of the articles I was looking for.

Laudes to the both of you!



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