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Question for Illustration about Peloponnesian War
At what date exactly did Greek light troops begin to adopt the Celtic/Italian style body shield? I know that later in the Hellenistic period light troops fought with them as skirmishers who were known as Thyreophoros.

but would it be okay to show light troops equipped with these shields in the late stages of the war? (Sicily onwards).

ill post pictures of my work within the week.

happy 4th of july to all fellow americans! Big Grin
-thanks for reading.

Most references talk about Hellenistic troops but the chances are tha the West Greek colonists (Italiotes and Massalians) who employed non Greek light troops (Celts, Spanish, Mamertines) would be the first to adopt oblong shields arround the early 4th century. The fashion start spreading eastwards with mercenaries that reached first Alexander´s Army in my opinion.
Kind regards

P.S. Cypriot Thyreoforos 300 B.C: ... d22re2.jpg
ah, thank you Stefanos.
Also, i have another question.

Does anybody have any good pictures of monuments/sculptures, etc that show Greek infantry wearing belts?
-thanks for reading.

help, anyone?
-thanks for reading.


I would add a caveat on the question of ‘Celtic/Italian style body shield’

The ’thyreos’ does indeed come into use in the Greek/Hellenistic world from the 4th/3rd century BC onward, but I don’t think one can casually assume the every thyreos was synonymous with the scutum or large Celtic and Iberian cousins. The Achaean seemed to have used the thyreos equipped infantry under Aratus and according to both Pausanias and Plutarch – Philopoemen felt that it was and inferior shield for heavy infantry rather more of a pelta than a ‘body’ shield.
Paul Klos

\'One day when I fly with my hands -
up down the sky,
like a bird\'
so you're saying that the Greeks might have taken the basic design and shrank it?
-thanks for reading.

They might have taken the basic desighn and used various other materials.
some good some inferior.
If the construction was like the eoman shiled found at Fayum Egypt then it might have its problems.
No Greek thyreos is known to have survived so far so speculation is rife..
Considering the dificulties that that Roman troops had when facing the front of the phalanx then we may asume that shield resistamce had something to do with it.
KInd regards
As far as I know (and had read), "Thyreos" shields DIDN'T used by the "metropolitan" Hellenic era's factions. Infantry used "Hoplon", skirmish troops didn't use any (except the Peltastai with the "Pelta" shield)...
Naturally, in Sicily & "Magna Grecia" they WOULD "adopt" that type...

Anyway... about which factions you interesting about the Peloponnesian War???
aka Romilos

"Ayet`, oh Spartan euandro... koroi pateron poliatan... laia men itin provalesthe,
...dori d`eutolmos anhesthe, ...mi phidomenoi tas zoas. Ouh gar patrion ta Sparta!
- The Lacedaimonian War Tune -

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