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Roman equivilant to Izal
For those of you not familiar, Izal was a British torture implement. Waxed sheets of toilet paper, very cheap and bloody awful.
At Fishbourne they seem to think the Romans has the same sort of thing, pottery discs to use to clean your backside with!
[Image: Museums-ancient-gaming-display-actually-...paper.html] :-o
Lawrence Payne

Asking me to tile your bathroom is like asking Vermeer to creosote your shed ;-)
Quote:It is well publicised that Romans used sponges mounted on sticks and dipped in vinegar as an alternative to toilet paper.
... ouch.
Dan D'Silva

Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs,
Back to the past again.

--  Gamma Ray

Well, I'm tough, rough, ready and I'm able
To pick myself up from under this table...

--  Thin Lizzy

Join the Horde! -
Richard Burton (one of the rare writers who discusses toilet habits in detail) states that Arabian Arabs used local stones in his day. So it seems possible, but beyond that, one needs to look outside the press release!
Nullis in verba

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