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Books for a beginner !
Hi there,<br>
I wish to read about the Roman Army. I've looked at books on Amazon, but I don't know which one to buy.<br>
I'm looking for a book covering the equipment and clothing of the Roman Legionnaire living in 100 AD.<br>
Thank you for your time and help,<br>
Colin AKA Quintus Rufus Germanicus <p></p><i></i>
Are you interested in also perhaps learning a bit about other periods, or do you plan to zero in very strictly on that period? For a beginner's general reference, Peter Connolly's Greece and Rome at War is a great choice. Connolly did a good deal of research into texts, archeology, and also did a good bit of reconstructing. Some of his theories (particularly in the various "transition periods") don't seem to be particularly favored by the scholars... but they always make interesting reading. In any case, the 100 AD time period seems one where the information is particularly good. (It's roughly the time period when the legionary's equiptment took on the look that most people tend to associate with it.) I don't think you'll find him going too far afield from conventional wisdom, there, and his illustrations are plenteous and very well done.<br>
Another very popular book with good illustrations (which has good info on your period, but is more broadly focused) is John Warry's Warfare in the Classical World. There are also several books from Osprey Military Publishing that could help: Osprey has a book for those who want to zoom in on just about any period of military history, and they have several on this one, which happens to be a very popular one. Check out the books listed on the web site: I think I remember seeing Connolly, Warry and all of the relevant Osprey books there, all in one place (with several others that might be worth checking into.)<br>
Aaron <p></p><i></i>
As well as the great advice above, "The Complete Roman Army" by Adrian Goldsworthy is a good reference book for beginners. It may not be the best book ever written and offers little new for the seasoned reader but it will certainly help out the novice to subject<br>
<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Caius Marius Severus</A> at: 5/6/04 10:45 pm<br></i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline">Roman Military Equipment</span> MC Bishop <strong>&</strong> <em>JCN COULSTON!</em>*<br>
<span style="text-decoration:underline">Roman Legions Recreated in Colour Photographs</span> D Peterson<br>
*not forgotten <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Hibernicus</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 5/7/04 4:01 pm<br></i>


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<em><span style="text-decoration:underline">Roman Military Equipment</span> MC Bishop</em><br>
Let's not forget the '& JCN Coulston' ;-)<br>
Mike Bishop <p></p><i></i>
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