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Roman group story (I\'ll think of a title later)
I wasn't sure were to put this and I apologize if this is in the wrong spot it was never intentional and if the mods don't want this thread then I will delete.

On to the story.

The idea is that we each write a serious (humor between characters is permitted obviously, nothing over PG levels please) group story with as much historical accuracy, internal logic and consistency as possible.

The plot: It will be set in the (fictional) city of Nivisporta (sorry for my bad latin, I'm working on it) it's the late 1st century AD, a new Emperor has come to power, a man named Marcus Ulpius Trajanius. Our characters our new recruits from various socioeconomic positions and provinces around the Roman Empire here our characters will undergo training and emerge as Legionaries of Rome, from which point we shall set out with our (fictional) Legion (The XVII Falci, again I apologize for my bad latin please don't hesitate to correct me) and travel around the empire in defense of its borders along the way there will be character development as the character grows and matures, the ups and downs of life, etc.

As the SM (Story Master, don't look at me I didn't make it up) I will unveal plot points, what happens now, etc.

Please don't write like an RP (Gaius attacks baddies) as this is a story it would be more like: Gaius' eyes slowly grew accustomed to the darkness and he saw the enemy sentry not ten feet away from him, he gripped the his Gladius in his sweaty hand and praying to whatever deity was listening asked that his sword would not slip from his grip, then gathering his courage he sprang forward, his sword and held just as the Centurion had taught him as he bore down on the surprised sentry screaming out a desperate warcry.

No Mary Sueing (A character who is perfect and wonderful, is always right, is smarter than everyone else, and who can take down a million germanic warriors without breaking a sweat, any who disagrees with them is stupid, evil, etc.)

No godmoding (Taking over someone elses character)

No Superman writing (This ties in with the Mary Sue) i.e stabbing (or punching) through metal armour, performing feats of strength Hercules would be hard pressed to match, etc.

Standard Forum rules apply.

Keep the language down please Smile "Oh dearie me." But please avoid obscenties whenever possible. People will get the point just fine if the character goes "AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!" when he's been stabbed. And keep crude language, etc. down as well. Yes these are Legionaries but one can get by just fine without writing that sort of thing.

If one of the writer has a problem with a plot hole or whatnot in anothers writers post then the two should discuss this via PM until they reach an agreement at which point they may utilize the "Edit Post" function.

As an alternative to contact via PM you could use OOC (Out Of Context) posting, but please white it our and make it clear who you're adressing it to. I will create an OOC thread if becomes needed.

I will need a character sheet

For example:




Gear/Clothing etc:

Rank (Military, social, political, etc):

Position/Rank/Responsibilities in the Legion:

Animals(If any):

Religion (If any):

Core beliefs/Principles:





Any takers?

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