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Roma Aeterna RP (Play thread)
It is the year 3180 A.D The Nova Roman Imperium stretches from the Nuclear Ruins of Terra to the center of the Milky Way, with it's capital at Latium, the Imperium is defended from other human empires and alien civilizations by it's Trireme class Dreanoughts and by the Might of its Legios units of five thousand men with sixty plasma cannons supported by one hundred and twenty Clibanarius class MBTs and by the Praeventores the Imperators elite para-military intelligence agency

You Augsutus Caius Fabius Caesar are a new recruit from a noble family you have been assigned to the remote outpost of New Caliban in the newly conquered Caligula Sector your mission is to watch the people making sure they are not about to revolt in resenment of the empire and to investigate rumors of a new cult called 'Callidex'

You are currently standing under the awning in front of a crowded taverna where you are waiting to met a contact who may have valuable information, the night is inky black and the rain pours down in sheets


You have four categories





You have twelve points to spend one stat may be at four but another will have to lowered to two and your skills may not number less than two and you will have names for each skill and if you would so good as to outline them in bold I would be greatful

Due to the new Hamata body armour hand to hand combat has made a comeback.

You have a variety of hand-to-hand weapons to choose but a favorite is the Gladius.

Your Handler Falco (Me) will assign you missions and data but only what you are cleared for.

Hand held missle weapons are:
Plasma Pistol
Laser Pistol
So, I'm assuming we do basic physical appearance stuff. Now without further ado:

Height: 6'8" (2 m)
Weight: 245 lbs. (111 kg)
Physical Appearance: Medium length yellow-brown hair; dark green eyes; long scar running down right cheek; silver dragon tatoo on chest

Spirit: 2
Physical: 4
Agility: 3
Mental: 3
Black Belt: Aikido, Muay Thai, Savate, and Eskrima
Energy Manipiulation Technique Drago
Veni Vidi Vici

John Abbate

1. Hello.

2. Do I know you?

3. There is no 3. Mysterious!

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