Help with research - Printable Version

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Help with research - zkruspe26 - 11-23-2006

Hiya everyone! I was wondering if I could ask for some help from you Roman History experts! I just started a degree in ancient history and archaeology and tomorrow I have a seminar where I have to do some research on the archaeology of the Roman Army but everything I have found is either wayyy complicated because this is my first time studying it or is no good. Do you recommend any websites which give a general overview of the archaeology of the roman army? I'd be so greatful for any help!
Gemma x x x

Re: Help with research - Peroni - 11-23-2006

Hello Gemma,

I would highly recommend having a look at the Vindolanda website.

It has ongoing reports of digs and finds.

Vindolanda tablets are also THE greatest ever source of everyday Roman military life.

Re: Help with research - zkruspe26 - 11-23-2006

thankyou Smile

Re: Help with research - Kate Gilliver - 11-23-2006

Hi Gemma
(Is it for HS2102?).
The image resource on this web-site will be very useful, and compare the private scuptures there with the sculptures from Trajan's Column.

There's a useful basic outline of the military finds from Britain in G de la Bedoyere's The Finds of Roman Britain.

Good luck!

Re: Help with research - zkruspe26 - 11-23-2006

yup! Thanks for your help too, it's been so useful! You're probably gona be one of my lecturers because your a lecturer at the university I go to! Smile

Re: Help with research - Robert Vermaat - 11-23-2006

Please use your real name in your signature. Forum rule.