Barbarians on Campagin - Printable Version

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Barbarians on Campagin - jbd_29349 - 06-29-2006

When the Celts would invade Italy, and when the Germans invaded Gual, Spain, and Italy would they carry tents to sleep in or sleep under the stars. Obviously, if they invaded a well established area that had building they would sleep there.

When barbarians went on campagin would they carry tents and supplies?

If they did what would they carry and what would they look like?

Re: Barbarians on Campagin - Chuck Russell - 06-30-2006

well u hear about the wagon train that the icini used that backfired on them.

Re: Barbarians on Campagin - Lugorix - 07-02-2006

This is an ongoing debate, whether tents existed in this period outside of the Roman world. There are hints to it in some of the old stories, but these refer to prehistoric times, and care must be placed whether these are embellishments. So what is in the archaeological record? There are wooden things labeled as "tent pegs" in Iron Age Ireland. The Tain also makes note of a tent structure on two occasions that I can remember. Once an actual tent, the other a make-shift shelter with his chariot and tarp for an afternoon nap.

In our group we allow two kinds of tents. One is like a papilio, with or without the walls. It can be of ANY size. It's little more that a cloth draped over a frame with doors added. The other kind of tent we use is conical. I personally like the round tent because it follows the tradition of round houses like the Britons were fond of for over a thousand years.

Re: Barbarians on Campagin - Robert Vermaat - 07-02-2006

I can't imagine that shelters (i.e. large pieces of cloth) were unknown while tents already existed...