New Recruits? - Printable Version

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New Recruits? - santell - 06-04-2005

Where do you find your new recruits, the people serious enough to put some effort into a good kit? How do you find these people?

Re: New Recruits? - santell - 06-06-2005

Ok, this question didn't work. What does everyone do here for a living and what got you interested in the hobby?
Juan Santell

Re: New Recruits? - Robert Vermaat - 06-06-2005

Quote:Ok, this question didn't work. What does everyone do here for a living and what got you interested in the hobby?
Whoa, keep yer sock on, there's been a weekend these past two days, remember? Big Grin
Quote:Where do you find your new recruits, the people serious enough to put some effort into a good kit? How do you find these people?
I'm hardly the guy to answer this (Fectio is a nice little group with two members! 8) ), but I'd say the big events and the internet. Most contacts that I've had contacted us either of the field, or after looking at the website.
But besides that, it's also a word-of-mouth thing, with people knowing people.

Re: New Recruits? - GaiusManliusMagnus - 06-06-2005

We generally find recruits at events.

Show up to something, do a good event looking like you mean business, and people ask to join. Though, finding those "serious" people who will put in an effort is still a trick. We usually expect to actually see about one in five people who ask about joining, and only one in three who show up will come again. It's the way of things. People are looky-loos.

"Serious" people are better though, and we're OK with slow growth if it gets good people. We want our membership to be able to stand on their own and teach without guidance, and newbies and guys in loaner kit just can't do that. When we do an event, our gate guards and others in our camp are always being hassled for information, and without these people being a committed reenactors, they won't be able to respond as though they're actually milites. Breaking character and speaking from a modern context (saying "the Romans did.. " instead of "We do...") seriously damages the living history immersion we are trying to create.

So, unfortunately, there is no magic place to recruit the "serious" ones.

Re: New Recruits? - Tarbicus - 06-06-2005

Quote: Breaking character and speaking from a modern context (saying "the Romans did.. " instead of "We do...")
The milites speaking latin and going through a translator could be fun :wink:

Or perhaps not......

Careers and hobbies - FlaviusCrispus - 06-06-2005

Quote:What does everyone do here for a living and what got you interested in the hobby?

I've been a Roman history buff my whole life, and my present career reflects that: I'm a dealer in Greco-Roman coins and artifacts. (Shamless plug warning here...). Here's my company website:

By the way, here are a couple of items in our possession that have particular relevance to us Roman military history types: ... rodid=2545

Well, okay, that one's Greek. How 'bout this one?: ... rodid=2548

And this... ... rodid=2551

And for our Dacian rivals, there's this: ... rodid=2546

New recruits - Crispvs - 06-15-2005

We generally get between twelve and twenty new members per year. If we are lucky a quarter of these will stay on to become more permanent. An net increase of two or three members per year is quite normal, offset by slight attrition as the odd longer standing member drops away.


Re: New Recruits? - Magnus - 06-15-2005

People tend to just email me, usually by running a search on the net I imagine they sort of just find me. Though I'm not actively trying to get more people...maybe if I was retired and had nothing else to do...but it takes a lot of resources to run a group beyond anything more than a handful of guys...unless you really foster their independance. The ones that are really serious will seek you out, if that's their thing.

Like anything else, the wannabe's or half commiters won't stick with it, but the interested ones, the ones who are truly interested in the Roman empire, or making kit will do so. The others won't last...even though they may not realize it yet. 8)

Public exposure helps - Neuraleanus - 06-15-2005

I'm planning on walking by the canal in full kit a few more times this year. When Robert, Bob, and myself did the walk in May we gathered alot interest by passers-by. One thing that I want to correct is to have cards to pass out having our site's URL and e-mail.

recruit?? - A_Volpe - 06-16-2005

Never underestimate the power of the Press Gang. :twisted:

just kidding! :lol:

Press Gang - marsvigilia - 06-17-2005

If we are going to reenact Roman legions then I really do like the idea of the press gang. The trick is to figure out some way of doing it legally. How about brain washing? Didn't the Moonies have some luck with this recruiting technique?

Re: New Recruits? - Chuck Russell - 06-17-2005

we just flock together... a bunch of misfit toys jsut up and sprout a legion here in wv. been less than 2 months and almost got our 8

Re: New Recruits? - santell - 06-17-2005

So you think I should hang out at the airport in full kit and sell flowers and obscure books to get recruits? :wink:

Sorry, but I can\'t help this - Neuraleanus - 06-17-2005

Anybody up to doing a translation of of Hari-Krisna into latin? :wink:

Romans at the Airport - marsvigilia - 06-17-2005

What a sight that would be for weary travelers.
Romans in full kit.
I wonder how the TSA would react to Gladius and Pilum? :twisted:
We might all end up on the "Do Not Fly List"

But seriously, there may be a kernel of an idea here.
Perhaps we should try to increase visibility at some non-traditional locations.

For example, I am hoping to participate in the Breast Walk next year in full kit. It is a stretch objective. But if we had several legionaries at such an event, marching together, that would get noticed. Maybe even some news coverage.