Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - Printable Version

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Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - jvrjenivs - 04-15-2005


Now adays I'm dreaming away and wanted to make a combination of 2 of my hobbies (Roman Military Re-ecactment/history and ModelRailroading). So I got the idee to build some Roman buildings in scale. Now I'm searching for everythink that could help me make it an historical correct Layout.

So, if anyone has Maps, plans, Grapics or other material that could be interesting. Please give me a link, where I can find it, or contact me. The total layout planned to make in the next (10) years, should contain a castrun, campus and canabae.

First I want to plan the totall layout, so everythink (about roman architecture) could be usefull

Thanks in advance

Jvrjenivs/Jurjen Draaisma

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - Dan Diffendale - 04-15-2005

What scale do you use? (I'm in N scale, which I think is called 9mm in Europe? Could be wrong...)

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - jvrjenivs - 04-15-2005

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In Holland we just call it N-scale. Only England use other terms, in general. I'm in HO 1 : 87. That scale this project gonna be! (Yes, I know it will be a big, big, big layout, but I'm only 18 years old now, and I am a European Top-modeller already (2nd place at an event 2 years ago). So I know what it is like. For more of my normal project you could visit my website [url:1vcgt4tl][/url], whish isn't translated to English, because of my poor English. Clik Euromodelbouw 2003 on the left side fore photos.
<offtopic mode off>

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - Octavianvs - 04-24-2005

I also have an HO model set with trains but everything in it is Roman, or I should say everything was as It was destroyed in the hurricane of last year. there is a few places I went to find HO figures and Buildings. I even had a coloseum that was HO. I have beeen loking for the places that I got these items from but everything I had was on my computer which was also destroyed in Hurricane. I think theres a place in New York that still has some roman items ( this is where I found my coloseum ). as i find whats still out there I will post it. also I found a bank that was easy to turn into a temple you will also find other buildings that you can work on to make something else. I had made a Villa from a Preiser or faller kit that was I believe supposed to be a brick foundry I combined this with some other items and ended up with a decent set up.

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - jvrjenivs - 04-24-2005

In my other lay-outs I don't use any pre-made scale modells. Everythink is own design and work, so I don't need roman buildings, unless it is mush less work. But still I need buildingplans.

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - Octavianvs - 04-25-2005

If your going totally scratch build and are looking for diagrams theres Books like the Osprey series as well as Connolly that show Camp set ups sizes of camps, buildings. Thier layouts reconstructions ( artistic ) and some scale models . I will have to look around and see what I have left. If i find some good plans I could scan them and send them by email if you wish. If I find good stuff online I will post it here so you can pick up the link and anyone else with a similar interest.

Re: Maps/Building plans of Roman Castrum - L C Cinna - 04-26-2005

What about Vitruvius on Roman Architecture?