Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - Printable Version

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Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - nightwork - 04-11-2017


I am have been a member of RAT for a while now, but honestly after my initial research I realized how much work it would be to make a full kit. So the project was put on the back burner for a while. After last Halloween my new wife and I were talking about possible couples costumes, and could not think of anything. Well a few weeks ago my wife had a great idea of being Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. I agreed just to have the excuse to work on my kit. 

Well now that I have started working on my kit, I am thinking it would be great to get a chance to see some other pieces of kit in person. So I was wondering if anyone lived in the Pittsburgh PA area or nearby. Maybe we could meet up and have dinner or drink a beer. Figured it was worth asking.

RE: Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - Creon01 - 04-12-2017

About 30 or so Roman era reenactors are meeting up in Philadelphia on the 22nd of April at the Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum to celebrate Rome's B-Day. You are invited to join us and check out a wide range of gear from Deepeeka to home made to custom made by some of the best artisans in the world like Matt Lukes and Jeffrey Hildebrandt. Matthew Amt ( will be there as well. There will be a lot of kit!

BTW, any non-affiliated Roman era reenactor is welcome to join in as well. If you contact me ahead of time and come in costume I can arrange free parking and lunch if you help out with the event, 11-4pm. If you don't have any kit or costume but want to help out with the displays and interactive activities you are also welcome.

RE: Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - nightwork - 04-12-2017

Thanks for the note. I actually had heard about that event. But I can't make the event because my son already has a soccer game that day. sigh. I was hoping since Pittsburgh was a bit enough city there has to be a few other people around.

RE: Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - Athena Areias - 04-12-2017

I am in Pittsburgh, but I am doing 500-400 BC Greek reenactment. No affinity for the Romans...

RE: Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - nightwork - 04-12-2017


Does that mean you are making Spartan equipment? Are you building a hoplon? How far along are you with your build? I am still interested in seeing some other peoples work. I have access to a lot of tools and equipment too, if you need anything.

RE: Anyone Near Pittsburgh, PA? Possible meetup - Athena Areias - 04-12-2017


I have my panoply completed. I am now working on "everyday items" needed to live. If you search here for threads with "Athena Areias", you can find my aspis project documented. I believe the pictures are still attached, but not following any text anymore. (Too many forum migrations.) I portray a wealthier Athenian hoplite. The thrill is gone with those Spartans, if you know what I mean. There are pictures of me and some of my kit on Matt Amt's Greek pages. if you want to get all Greeky. His XX Legion pages are linked there, too, if you need Roman information of any type. Good stuff there.