New Evidence on Roman Triest (Tergeste) - Printable Version

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New Evidence on Roman Triest (Tergeste) - Simplex - 03-17-2015
....and some of what's behind the paywall: (In German) essence: 1 instructive map, 1 pic for hobnail-collectors.
Archeologists around Federico Bernardini have found what is supposed to be the predecessor of the Roman City of Tergeste, first mentioned in 104 BC.
Most likely founded around the times of the 2nd Histrian War ( * 178-177 BC) it was built, amongst other purposes, to guard the harbour sites in Muggia Bay.
It is sited on the hill of San Rocco, between two other camps that have already been known, Monte Grociana Piccola towards northeast and Montedoro to southwest .
Size was around 13ha. Most finds made show c :oops: lose resemblance to others from campaigns on the Spanish peninsula from the times between 200 and 150 BC.



New Evidence on Roman Triest (Tergeste) - Simplex - 03-18-2015

Update :
Pic from LIDAR-Survey.
German newspapers "Die Welt" making up with : First Roman Camp : Fortress from Rome's dirty wars spotted. (In German)
The essay as such gives a Little more Information about the historical context of the Histrian Wars than the one mentioned above.
It also claims that on San Rocco we have the oldest Roman Military camp spotted hitherto.
I'll leave that uncommented so far.

