Ancient History Magazine? - Printable Version

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Ancient History Magazine? - Praefectusclassis - 01-15-2015

Those with a more military interest probably already know our Ancient Warfare magazine. We're now exploring the idea of providing a 'gentler' (hmmm, backstabbing and political intrigue would be entirely appropriate as well...) sister to this belligerent magazine. Please provide your feedback on this idea!

Ancient History Magazine? - AMELIANVS - 01-15-2015

Yes I would be interrested.

Ancient History Magazine? - Renatus - 01-15-2015

I have tried to complete the questionnaire but one question requires an answer, without which one cannot proceed to the next step. It gives two alternatives, neither of which I am prepared to commit to. A less dogmatic alternative is needed to make this question realistic.

Ancient History Magazine? - John W Davison - 01-15-2015


I have completed and this magazine would probably be read by two people in our house, so a very welcome arrival.

On your product range, I continue to hold the fond hope that one day you might launch a similar magazine as AW or MW covering European military history from Louis XIV to Napoleon, but in the meantime will continue to purchase the magazines you do choose to produce!

Regards, John

Ancient History Magazine? - Vindex - 01-16-2015

Got all the way to Q13 and it won't accept "Other". so bailed out.

Ancient History Magazine? - Medusa Gladiatrix - 01-17-2015

Already completed the poll to which I was linked via the Ancient Warfare newsletter.

Ancient History Magazine? - spqr95 - 01-19-2015

The magazine is perfect now, wonderfully illustated and edited.

Ancient History Magazine? - agrimensor - 01-19-2015

get samples ready before EAA congress 2017 ( Maastricht)

Ancient History Magazine? - AMELIANVS - 01-20-2015

Quote:The magazine is perfect now, wonderfully illustated and edited.

Possibility of completely new magazine is debated here not Old Ancient Warfare Magazine .-)

Ancient History Magazine? - Josho Brouwers - 01-21-2015

That's unfortunate. I've removed the "required" restriction, so it should work properly now.

Edit: this was in response to the comment that Q13 could not be passed if you didn't fill in something other than "Other"... if you get what I mean. ;-)

Ancient History Magazine? - Renatus - 01-21-2015

Sorry, as before I got stuck on Question 6. I don't agree with either statement.

Ancient History Magazine? - Praefectusclassis - 01-21-2015

Hi Michael
What answer would you prefer for question 6?

Ancient History Magazine? - Renatus - 01-21-2015

I think something less enthusiastic than Question 1 and less negative than Question 2. Maybe a simple 'Yes' or 'No'.