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Sour Wine - Anonymous - 09-20-2004

I'm probably covering old ground, but does anyone have any ideas about recreating sour wine. Do i just let some wine stand for a few days or am I going to poison myself/make myself ill?<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>

Re: Sour Wine - Anonymous - 09-20-2004

Is sour wine the same as vinegar? To make wine vinegar the wine needs to be exposed to the air every few days. <p></p><i></i>

Posca - richsc - 09-20-2004

Do you mean posca? It's atrocious stuff. Sour wine and water is the combination. I can ask for the recipe if you're really anxious for it. <p>Legio XX<br>
Caput dolet, pedes fetent, Iesum non amo<br>

Re: Posca - Anonymous - 09-20-2004

Hi Rich,<br>
I wouldn't say say anxious, more intrigued. I've experimented with off the shelf wine vinegar and water and that nearly made me hurl. maybe your recipe/directions will be better but it doesn't sound too good.<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>

Re: Posca - derek forrest - 09-20-2004

I tried experiments with white wine vinegar and water. It was drinkable but my preference would be diluted cheapest white wine. Acetum seems to translate as Vinegar but maybe it is a paternalistic view of rather poor wine. <p></p><i></i>

Vinegar - Anonymous - 09-20-2004

We have used red vinegar mixed with red wine, which wasn't too bad (made us cough a bit ...) <p></p><i></i>

Re: Vinegar - Mithras - 09-20-2004

'diluted cheapest white wine' - sounds good to me! I can drink that.<br>
Now I know what I can pack in my wineskin <p>Paul Elliott<br>
<strong>Heroes of Delphi</strong> - Classical Greece gone D20<br>
<strong>Zenobia</strong> - Fantasy RPG in the Eastern Roman Empire<br>
<strong>Warlords of Alexander</strong> - Kingdoms in conflict for the ruins of Alexander's Empire<br>

Re: Vinegar - Caius Fabius - 09-23-2004

Wwell, I have found that a red wine vinegar mixed with water actually is more refreshing than coke or sprite, once you get used to the idea that it is Sour instead of sweet. If you add too much vinegar it may clean out some of your helpful stomach bacteria and cause loose bowels so don't experiment before a long event or march!<br>
It isn't coffee, it isn't cola, and it does take getting use to. Much like wearing Roman shoes and underwear, or anything else we do. Forget the whiners, they probably don't like garum either.!!! <p></p><i></i>

Re: Vinegar - Anonymous - 09-24-2004

Most modern wines contain preservatives that inhibit souring. <p></p><i></i>