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York 2004 - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

Apologies to all for the late arrival of this post, I've been meaning to do it for a couple of weeks but the 3 1/2 week old mini mummius is dictating terms at the moment.<br>
For all those who posted on the pre-event web site I thought I'd post a link with a few piccies.<br>
The captions area a little askew, the reclining constantine is actually our tribune and the soldiers ready for battle is yours truly with contubernales taking part in a mithraic ceremony. somehow one of Jorvik's vikings seems to have been named a roman as well.<br>
The event was very unusual, being held in and around (5 or 6 loacations) a busy city. This year RMRS, Roma antiqua and Deva Victirx were joined by a fledgeling IX Hispana and some welcome late period assistance came from Commitatus.<br>
Well done to everyone who took part, form Keith.<br>
Thank you to Aitor for the guidance on appropriate clothing for Constantine (I don't like him either). Although I did manage to knock up something a little more 'period' the chap protraying him still insisted on wearing '....his great grandad's toga' (Commitatus quote). You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink...<br>

Re: York 2004 - aitor iriarte - 08-09-2004

Hi Mummius,<br>
I understand you perfectly, my second daughter became two months old last Friday and the world rotates around her, but without leaving aside her three years old sister! (Where is that sorely sleepless emoticon? )<br>
You do look as to have had a great fun, judging from the photos (BTW, couldn't you persuade the Viking to kill the 'gladiator'? Better to be out of period than to be out of 'time and space'! ) It's been nice to see a pic of my friend Gordon, from Roma Antiqua! They will attend to our Roman festival (Ludi Veleienses) on next September.<br>
About Constantine, you can always demote him, kill him and hail some other one as Augustus (prerrogatives of the Army!)<br>
Aitor <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Aitor Iriarte</A> at: 8/9/04 7:20 am<br></i>

Re: York 2004 - Anonymous - 08-09-2004

Hi Aitor,<br>
Interseting idea about bumping off Constantine.<br>
We do have our own Emperor, but With our late 1st Century links to Chester, things might get a bit weird if we overthrew Constantine and installed Domitian.<br>
I'm afraid I have to admit that the gladiator is with us. he has some proper kit for Retiarius and Thraex, but someone (I don't know who) brought along the 'Hollywood Hat'. Adam had to try it on, someone snapped him and now we have that image to remind us. A warning to us all.<br>
The link you provided to the Arch of Constantine was very interseting. I have actually seen it in the flesh, but with a tight schedule I was too wowed by other things to take much notice. I think I need to visit Rome again.<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>

Re: York 2004 - aitor iriarte - 08-10-2004

Hi Mummius,<br>
The vital question is: Who offers better pay, Constantine or Domitian?<br>
I was a litlle baffled by the weird combination of a correct shoulder guard and the 'helmet' worn by Adam on the pic, now I understand. After serious work, all your image spoiled by a photo!<br>
I've been only once at Rome, 24 hectic hours and I couldn't get to Constantine's Arch . We were four people and everybody deserved to choose something to see!<br>
It would be interesting to have one (or several! ) Late Roman European meeting and I wonder how money matters could be at York for 2006...<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>

Re: York 2004 - Anonymous - 08-10-2004

In good Roman fashion there's a power struggle with the organisers. Once this is resolved and the senate or the emperor emerges victorious... who knows perhaps 2005 is even a possiblity.<br>