Roman furniture (Chairs) - Printable Version

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Roman furniture (Chairs) - Doc - 08-25-2010

Does anyone have good pictures of Roman chairs. I always see those chairs in documentaries that have their legs crossed and have a sort of wide bucket like seat.

Any help would be appreciated.

(I apologize if this is the wrong section but I do not know where to post it)

Re: Roman furniture (Chairs) - Paullus Scipio - 08-26-2010

Those type of seats are called 'curule chairs' and were used In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire. The curule chair(sella curulis, supposedly from 'currus', "chariot" - perhaps because such folding seats were used in chariots/cars/carriages - was the chair upon which senior magistrates having 'imperium' were entitled to sit, including dictators, masters of the horse, consuls, praetors, pro-praetors, censors, and the curule aediles. Additionally, the Flamen of Jupiter (Flamen Dialis) was also allowed to sit on a 'sella curulis', though this position lacked imperium.The Romans believed these 'carriage-chairs' to have been of Etruscan origin.

Though they are frequently shown in Hollywood 'Roman' movies, they would not have been in general use....... If you google images for 'curule chair' you'll get plenty - ancient and modern.....

Re: Roman furniture (Chairs) - Doc - 08-26-2010

Thanks for the reply. I did not know the importance of this chair neither did I know that it had a specific name.

I appreciate your imput.