Freelance RAT - Printable Version

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Freelance RAT - Muzzaguchi - 11-19-2002

Hi All,<br>
I sugested in the Osprey Military Journal thread that we could easily contribute articles of interest to several of the military journals out there (not to mention others such as wargaming ones and Command and others). I have enquired to several types of these including all those I will mention and all welcome unsolicited material which will of course be subjected to their editorial process.<br>
Anyhoo, I know that Military Illustrated and Military History Quarterly are interested in Roman themed articles as are Military Heritage and Command.<br>
Now I do not intend to ask for (or for any one to post here) their pet ideas regarding such possible articles; but if such a forum proves popular so be it. What I intended was really a list of such publications as are interested for which addresses can be provided for submissions.<br>
The general strategy for approaching such journals is to send a query letter outlining your idea to see if it gains their interest. This saves time and too much work if changes are required by a particular editor to cater the piece to their publication.<br>
So if any one is interested - I await your reply.<br>
Also, here is as good a place to bring this up as any, has any one approached National Geographic for an article on reenactors - I know the opportunity for phots and a text outlining and publicising that way of life might appeal. You could even do several articles on the Civil Wars (US and English) and Roman as well as medieval and Napoleonic groups. Could be a wealth of material (well so much for not giving away your ideas! If any one runs with this particular idea just give me a credit please - its all I ask.<br>
Murray <p>It is an unscrupulous intellect that does not pay Antiquity its due reverence - Erasmus of Rotterdam<br>
'Modern history, like a deaf man, answers questions no one asks' - Tolstoy War and Peace Ep. ii.1</p><i></i>

Re: Freelance RAT - richsc - 11-20-2002

A quick trip to Barnes & Noble had the following titles in addition to those:<br>
Archaeology Odyssey<br>
Biblical Archaeology<br>
Military Heritage<br>
BBC History<br>
Since Archaeology interviewed us, this line of magazines also seems possible. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

Re: Freelance RAT - Anonymous - 11-21-2002

With regards to National Geographic and articles on reenactment societies, I was contacted by a documentary company, called "good earth productions" in Toronto, Canada. They are making a 6 part documentary on living history groups ranging from WW 2 back to....yep....Roman. The preliminary research likely won't start until next spring or summer, but I will keep everyone posted.<br>
(And yes, they have contacted me with the possibility of contributing to the project).<br>
We'll see what happens with it. But apparently, their other documentaries, are aired on all of the Canadian stations, as well as the major ones in the US. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>