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to MUCH Rugby! - Hibernicus - 04-13-2009

Argh..... so many games to watch!

..19 of them on my DVR! ...14's, Magners, Premiership

We got a chance to watch a few games of a US College championship series over the weekend...
.. turns out that some US universities send some of their gridiron players to the school's rugby program.. BYU and Utah.. others as well . I also learned that more and more US High schools have Rugby programs... some have dumped their Gridiron all together! Rugby is safer and less expensive to operate! ...and with most US school districts cutting spending increases as fast as they can...

Re: to MUCH Rugby! - Na Saighdiuir - 04-25-2009

Just to clarify can never have too much rugby!!!

Too MUCH Rugby! - ParthianBow - 04-28-2009

Hear, hear!
Roll on Leinster vs. Munster - the only time I don't support Munster (being a Leinsterman)!
Roll on the Lions' tour too!

Re: Too MUCH Rugby! - Ceannt - 04-28-2009

Quote:Hear, hear!
Roll on Leinster vs. Munster - the only time I don't support Munster (being a Leinsterman)!
Roll on the Lions' tour too!

I will now make it my mission to come over to england and drink you under the table for saying that your from Leinster :twisted:
By the way Leinster means spear-men =sissy's 8)

Too MUCH Rugby! - ParthianBow - 04-30-2009

Come on over! You'd be able to drink me under the table no problem - my days of being able to drink like that are long gone. Sustained drinking over a day at an International I can manage, but not skulling pints in a few hours....and the hangovers are so bad now that I avoid it - unless an event like Ireland winning the Grand Slam, or Leinster the Heineken Cup comes up! :lol: Leinster have been hiding their light under Munster's bushel for too long. Share the love and wish them well! It is a shame that it's another all Irish semi like 3 years ago. Could do with being an all Irish final instead.

Anyway, my family (Kanes) are from Annascaul on the Dingle peninsula, so I'm a Munsterman in spirit!

Too MUCH Rugby! - ParthianBow - 05-02-2009

Go on ye good things - LEINSTER!!!!!!! They weren't sissies today by all accounts...I'm up for drinking you under the table now!

Re: to MUCH Rugby! - Na Saighdiuir - 05-03-2009

Yep it seems like they finally grew a pair,totally out-munstered munster. Their big individuals really stepped up to the plate Contepomi,O'Driscoll,Nacewa and Elsom,especially,were awesome. It pains me to say it but Leinster were more up for it. That said I personally was SHOCKED by Munster. Knock ons,spilled passes,sloppy ruck clearing and a total inability to deal with ANY drop offs screwed us. Im not taking anything from Leinsters display but Munsters incompetence helped them enormously.

And yes Im bitter,lost a day going up to see that not to mention the cost :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: to MUCH Rugby! - Hibernicus - 05-06-2009

Munster beat themselves.... and Leinster beat them bloody for it... the men in red... red faced embarrassment...


Too MUCH Rugby! - ParthianBow - 05-22-2009

Leinster's big day will be tomorrow, and I sense victory over Leicester!!!
Shame I'm going to miss seeing it. But I can't complain - the reason is that I'm doing a talk at the York Roman Festival. or Romans...which is more important?

Re: to MUCH Rugby! - Na Saighdiuir - 05-23-2009

Rugby or Romans??Do need to buy yourself padding as it is!!!

Too MUCH Rugby! - ParthianBow - 05-24-2009

Not sure how 'normal' rugby players would take to being tackled by someone in mail, or a lorica for that matter. Still, once I was fit enough to run around for 80mins in armour, I wouldn't have to worry about being tackled by the man mountains that so many of today's players are. I was once standing behind Malcolm O'Kelly in a coffee shop in Dublin airport, and even before I saw who it was, I wondered who was so big that I couldn't read the overhead menu without stepping to one side!
GREAT result for Leinster. What a year for Ireland and Munster too. I just hope that they can stomp the Boks (or whatever the stupid flower they've called themselves now is).