Museums in South-Western germany - Printable Version

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Museums in South-Western germany - Daumiz - 10-22-2008

Good day, in November I will be going to Mainz to visit central museum, so I am curious if there any other good archaeological or historical museums in the region of south-west of Germany ? I am interesting in everything from stone age to end of viking era.

Re: Museums in South-Western germany - jvrjenivs - 10-22-2008

A couple of museums have been discussed here:
link from old RAT

In the city itself at least are::
* Landesmuseum (sculpture and inscriptions);
* Museum für antike Schifffahrt (ships and navigation);
* Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (general);
* Museum Castellum (bridgehead on the east bank);
* Temple of Isis

Re: Museums in South-Western germany - Eleatic Guest - 10-27-2008

The Historisches Museum der Pfalz in Speyer, 80 km south from Mainz, has notable collections from antiquity and the migration period. Even more, their Sonderausstellungen (Huns, Vikings, samurai, etc.) are worth a trip. The town, in the midts of which the museum lies, is very beautiful, too (it features the largest standing Romanesque cathedral of the world).

Re: Museums in South-Western germany - Simplex - 10-29-2008

....and don't forget the Museum im Andreasstift at Worms,
Museum der Stadt Worms im Andreasstift
Weckerlingplatz 7
67547 Worms
Smaller but nevertheless interesting. Custos Dr. Mathilde Grünewald gained some merits from her publications on graves of the larger Worms area.
This one here gives you an overview:
....and , ahhhh, [Off-Topic-Alert !].......yes they're having an Exhibiton about Homer here:
Zeughaus C5
68159 Mannheim
Tel. 0621 - 293 2183
Fax 0621 - 293 3099
[email protected]
(Sorry I couldn't find an English part of the website there)
Hope this did it ....


Re: Museums in South-Western germany - Medusa Gladiatrix - 10-29-2008

Museums in Saarland:

Villa Borg

European Culture Park (at the French-German border)

Römermuseum Schwarzenacker

Generally of interest for Roman places in Germany:

Re: Museums in South-Western germany - Serapio - 11-04-2008


an you can go on:

Museum für Ur und Frühgeschichte Freiburg i. Breisgau

and on the french site:
Musee Archeologique en Strassbourg

two very interesting museums in the southwest of germany our the east of french, but largely unknow!