Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Printable Version

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Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - richsc - 08-14-2008

This has been a big change this year for Legio XX and Roman Days. Having lost our venue of some 16 years at Marietta Mansion, we discovered a large and attentive audience over in northern Virginia, and are partnering with the northern Virginia high school Latin students and teachers to put on Roman Days at George Mason University this year, Sept 26-28. Quite a lot of work with a new bureaucracy, but we're getting there. HOpefully new this year will be a Celtic roundhouse that we're just figuring out how to do as a portable display. Probably put it at the far end of the artillery range...

We have a Yahoo Roman Days forum on this that is getting pretty lively. Feel free to join in and comment. Current request from the teachers are five questions from each display that can be provided to all students so they get a basic understanding of what they're looking at and the context.

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Chuck Russell - 08-14-2008

Quote:HOpefully new this year will be a Celtic roundhouse that we're just figuring out how to do as a portable display. Probably put it at the far end of the artillery range...

as in the target? hehehehe

Roman Days Sept 26-28, GMU Fairfax Va - richsc - 08-29-2008

RomanDays got it's final official approvals last week, and is in process of working out logistical approvals with entities at the host George Mason Univ who apparently don't talk with each other. (I think we can write a manual on this when we're done for other reeanctors).

Already Roman Days looks to be the biggest event in terms of visitors that we have ever had, with more interest from the university than ever as well. Our limitation is the actual space we've been assigned. And this is just our first year here.

Camping is allowed on campus, so the cost to reenactors is minimal; we may even be able to provide some travel reimbursements: send me a PM or email for more information.

We almost have the website up: [url:31bjlj2x][/url] so you can check for details, but the Yahoo RomanDays has all the very latest, plus you can ask questions that we the planning staff will all see.

Or ask questions here on RAT and I or Matt will answer them.

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Lepidina - 08-30-2008

There's also the Roman Days wiki at where you can find more information on participating at Roman Days. If you are planning on coming, please sign up on the Who's Coming page and list any equipment, tentage, or artillery you might have. We're also open to suggestions and have several good discussions going on.

Romandays, largest ever - richsc - 09-03-2008

Turns out word has spread about Romandays, Legio XX and all the Legion participants, to almost all Latin public and private high schools, the Virginia government and universities in Virginia, and there is an estimate of 400-600 students coming on field trips on Friday alone, not counting GMU students and the public. This should be the biggest event we've ever seen, easily several times larger than our previous venue.
The Latin community in Virginia is *huge* and well organized; and it turns out the reputation of Roman reenactors is also huge and getting bigger. Not only is it a big event for participants, but for our Roman hobby at large.
For those coming this will be incredible; for those thinking about it, it will be great, and we certainly encourage you to turn out.

New to Roman Days!! Please Read!!!! - Lepidina - 09-04-2008

To everyone, please, please e-mail/PM either me or Rich and let us know you are coming if you are not with a group that has been to Roman Days before. We welcome new people but you need to get in touch with us so we can make sure we have enough space for tents and displays as well as have all contact information for updates and announcements. Updating the wiki does NOT count. You need to talk to one of us.

If you do not get in touch with us, there is no guarentee that we will have space in camp so you might end up on the artillery field as a target!!


website - richsc - 09-10-2008

The latest news is on the website. Or you can always email/pm me here.

stunned - richsc - 09-11-2008

We have been stunned by the response to Roman Days. Over 2000 students would like to attend: we have had to send out notices to cap the event at 700, and that is allowing for schools from 100 to 300 miles away who don't get the messages! Schools that don't have money are even camping out to attend Romandays. We are all humbled by the enthusiasm.

If you haven't thought about attending, this is going to be (weather willing..think poor Rusty) a huge event. Each person/unit attending on Friday morning will be compensated for hotel/travel, per the request of Fairfax County. So, consider your schedules!

When all is said and done, we will post a synopsis for RAT on lessons learned.
Quote:And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
ok...may be overdoing it a bit..

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - M. Demetrius - 09-12-2008

Sometimes losing a venue may open up another, better one, eh? Congrats, and good weather to you all.

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - rusty myers - 09-12-2008

Rich, send me a real email, all I get when I try to respond thru RAT are those stupid "Invalid session" errors! I cannot stand trying to use the PM stuff, never seems to work and I end up retypring it several times. I sen tthem an email to expect you too. I think I sent one to your address too, not sure if it was still good.


[email protected]

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Chuck Russell - 09-28-2008

any pictures? how was the crowd and weather?

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Burninator - 09-29-2008

I got some pictures, I still need to upload them. I just came to see the event, though I can say by the end of the day, and after shopping in the La Wren's and SOTW tents I wanted to come back for Sunday. Unfortunately I was more drained from work than I anticipated... In terms of weather, Friday was rain, Saturday was cloudy but it warmed up, and Sunday was about the same.

Re: Roman Days Sept 26-28, northern Virginia - Lepidina - 09-29-2008

Quote:any pictures? how was the crowd and weather?

Well there was this big hole in the camp where Legio XIIII usually is - BUT it was filled by Legio II from Canada so you guys are off the hook for punking out on us this year. :wink:

Weather was decent. The real rain and thunderstorms held off until the middle of Friday night but Friday itself was cold and damp - real Brittania frontier weather. The sun came out Saturday and Sunday with intermittent spitting throughout the day so I can't complain about the weather. It could have been better but it could have been 24 hour thunderstorms like what was being predicted.

Crowds were bigger than they have been in the past couple years combined. About 600 students on Friday, even with a couple of schools bailing because of the rain. Saturday and Sunday saw about 400 people walk through and that was just advertising to the schools and not much outside advertising. We'll do more of that next year.

New site worked out well. The artillery field is a little short to fire off the catapulta at full power but Randi did manage to hit the port-a-john - which attracted the attention of the cops and they kindly asked us not to shoot it off again. Oh well. Randi also fended off drunken bimbos and later some drunked gys on Friday night when they tried to sneak into La Wren's tent. One of the bimbos lost her flip-flop in the flight and he posted it up on a spike outside the tent as a warning to all other drunk types that tried to sneak into the camp after hours. It must have worked because Saturday night was pretty quiet.

Lots of new people including Rusty and SOTW, Legio II from Canada, some new guys from Legio IX, and a cool Byzantine era Roman. Sam from Deepeka also set up a booth and showed off the latest things from Deepeka's line.

But the good news is that thanks to the school groups, we made enough money to pay hotel rooms and gas for the people who came in for the school groups on Friday, the lunch food and the Saturday night feast. (We still have chickens and bagels left. Anyone want one? Big Grin )

3 days of public programs are about my limit. I am extremely brain dead today and it will take a few more days for my feet to fully recover. But it was great weekend all around and great to see lots of new people and our old standards as well. Having the complete Ludus Gladatorus was excellent!! They put on a great show for the crowds. I think total reenactor attendance was about 45, which is a little smaller than last year but not by much.

We plan to stay at GMU for next year and will continue to do the school programs as we've got nothing but positive feedback from the teachers that brought students. We should be aiming for about the same dates as well.

Roman Days - richsc - 09-29-2008

I've been getting very positive feedback from the teachers and students who came to Roman Days, as well as vendors and participants. The relationship we have built with almost every Latin student and teacher in Virginia as well as with the faculty and staff of GMU shows how much of a cooperative effort this sort of thing has to be to make it a success.

Some initial photos: Dan's Roman Days Saturday Photos

Our faculty sponsor told me that the rest of the faculty - especially the department chairman - shifted mood from 'ok, but what exactly are you doing?" to "Can we talk them into coming next year?" It looks very much like GMU will now take a more active role in planning and support next year, hopefully to include access to lecture halls and other support facilities. I was pretty proactive in fielding on the spot problems with GMU (like the fire inspector and the duty sergeant striding towards George's artillery) which is something you have to do in keeping the hosts happy.

I was so busy managing everything I never even got to put my armor on and march with the group. I think next year I'll have a tshirt with "AEDILE" on it.

Having gone through all the planning and work involved I especially feel sympathy pains with Rusty after having to cancel his Pompeii event because of Hanna.

Word from participants is also that the celts will come in large numbers next year, say 20 or so, and we can expand into a celtic village of sorts. The 6' tall reed fencing worked so well and looks so good that next year I was thinking of creating a camp wall with it, rectangular with the usual four entrances.

One thing that really worked well: I wanted to rope off the perimeter of the event to 1)do crowd control for entry fee purposes 2) create a psychological barrier for after hours;3)make a statement about the weapons without having to do so. Using the yellow "CAUTION" tape worked wonders, but also did something I hadn't anticipated. The celt was sitting outside the perimeter across the sidewalk, and wasn't getting any visitors. I realized that they yellow tape actually created a "this is Roman Days, that is not" visual effect. I put tape around the Celtic camp and his area filled up.

We'll write up a lessons learned and let you know when we post it.

more photos - richsc - 09-29-2008

Just a few photos of mine:
Celts at Roman Days
Sunday at Roman Days
Quintus with crowd
Quintus/Matt Amt
Law Court
Ebel wins another one
New Civilians with Legio XX
Asellina and damaged caupona
After hour Saturday, waiting for traditional feast

The rain on Thursday night heavily damaged the caupona. But it gives me reason to redesign and rebuild it.