Field of Glory - Printable Version

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Field of Glory - Octavianvs - 06-14-2008

Have just ordered Field of glory ( it is an Osprey and Slitherine coProduced Table top Miniatures game) Has anyone ever played this or heard anything about this?

Also looking for 25-28 mm figures

Re: Field of Glory - Narukami - 06-14-2008

Greetings Octavianus!

You will find some more info on FoG here:

Within that thread Jasper has a ling to the War Game Factory that is releasing 28mm plastic figures for the FoG system.

There is also a company in the UK releasing 28mm plastics:

War Lord Games

I have not tried this system yet (busy figuring out GMT's Command & Colors) but both of these companies seem to be turning out some excellent figures.

Hope this info helps.



Re: Field of Glory - Narukami - 06-14-2008

War Lord Games:

28mm Plastic Romans & Celts


Re: Field of Glory - Nicholas Gaukroger - 06-17-2008

The official site for FoG is at which has links to their discussion forum and such like that may be of use to you.

Re: Field of Glory - Severus - 07-23-2008

I've been playing FoG since its release and I have to say it is a great game.

Solid well written rules.

forgiving movement system with lots of cool features (drilled troops are much better in maneuver on the battlefield)

Light troops that can evade from oncoming attackers.

Too much to list.

I started out playing Tactica, which was a nice game but the movement system was difficult, and legions weren't all that different from any other troop.

There are a lot of naysayers for FoG but I enjoy it a lot.

here is a link to a Pontics vs. Late Republican Roman battle we fought this week. .

Matt Webster

Re: Field of Glory - BigRedBat - 07-24-2008

I'm afraid I'm a naysayer; FoG didn't grab me.

That's not to say that FoG isn't a great set of rules; I could see they were well written, and a lot of people clearly enjoy using them.

I personally found the rules to be more more detailed and slower playing than I look for in a set of rules these days.

BTW that was a great battle description, Severus.


Re: Field of Glory - Severus - 07-24-2008

Feel free to nay say Bigredbat. FoG isn't for everyone.

The game isn't speedy, but I like most of the aspects and my legions feel like legions.

What system do you prefer? I am always interested in new rules sets.

Matt Webster (Quadratus of TMP)

Re: Field of Glory - BigRedBat - 07-24-2008

We mostly play Command and Colors Ancients, Severus. It suits us because the rules are not complex (although the strategy can be), and games come in at 2-3 hours max, which fits the time we have to play in an evening before people neet to catch trains/get a life. We played a game (Magnesia) with around 900 figures and 7 players in under 2 hours, yesterday.

But C&C isn't everyones cup of tea; it has been descibed by DBMers as a "Beer and Pretzels" game. Not everyone likes the hexes, either. But to my mind it is entertaining and gives a generally convincing portrayal of an ancient battle.


Re: Field of Glory - Severus - 07-24-2008


I have played C&C ancients about 4 times and enjoyed the game a good deal.

It's a bit more abstract

1.things/bases die as opposed to the more detailed morale loss/death rolls of FoG

2. Units are a bit more simplified in C&CA than in FoG

I like both for different reasons.

Off Topic: How do you play such a large game? does each side play multiple cards per turn?

Matt Webster

Re: Field of Glory - BigRedBat - 07-24-2008

Hi Severus,

Hi Matt,

Yes, there's quite a lot of abstraction in C&C. I keep being tempted to add detail to the rules to make them a bit more wargamey, but usually end up scrapping the changes because the rules work very well as they are.

The Epic rules come in the 2nd and 3rd expansions, and enable battles with 30 plus units a side and up to 8 players, with a command structure of a C&C and 3 sub generals and a hand of 6-8 cards from which the CinC allocates 1-3 each turn. We use a 10' or 12' wide table for the 28mm epic games (7' wide for 15mm).

I must have played a couple of hundred games... but took a real pasting last night; did even worse than Antiochus!
