Maille Cape Fasteners - Printable Version

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Maille Cape Fasteners - Andy - 11-29-2007

Apart from the Kirkburn, Polden Hill, and Stanwick cape fasteners what else is about there?
If people could put up some pics that would be great.

Re: Maille Cape Fasteners - madoc - 11-29-2007


I went through this a little while ago and wrote up my findings in the "armour" section of our kitguide (above)

There are other fasteners about (including some horse trappings wrongly catagoried at the national museum in cardiff) but after speaking to the people at the british museum, I have come to opinion that the british and roman fasteners are most likely very similar. I was desparate to find out whether the kirkburn fastener was single or two piece, but nobody at the British Museum could (or would) give me a clear definitive either way.
It is likely a two piece arrangement, the same as the others.

Until we start to publish finds more often, then it's hard to know whether there are other types out there.

Drop us a line off the website as the chances are we've crossed the bridges that you are just coming up to and may be able to help. We have quite a few of the published reports.

Re: Maille Cape Fasteners - Peroni - 11-29-2007

The fasteners from Brogborough are supposed to be Roman, but they are very stylised, and scream 'British' to me!

Erik Konig makes beautiful replicas of them.
[Image: 192022270207_rma1.jpg]

Re: Maille Cape Fasteners - Lugorix - 11-29-2007

Those by Erik are nice! Another hook from Britain is the Tooley Street, London piece:
[Image: Copyofmailhooka.jpg]

I had made another style base on something from Alesia, but I can't find the original image here. The image in the book was just a wiggley single bar identified as a mail-closure, but had no joint in the center like Roman types.

There were no hooks on what was left of the original, so the customer asked for a revision with hooked ends like in the picture below (the bottom one):
[Image: IM000025.jpg]

Re: Maille Cape Fasteners - Peroni - 11-30-2007

The London piece (Nice photo) has the same basic shape as the brogborough hook. Which adds weight that it was British, not Roman.