What era would you have lived in? - Printable Version

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What era would you have lived in? - Quintus Brutii - 10-16-2007

If you had a choice, which Roman era would you have lived in? Smile

Re: What era would you have lived in? - DanM - 10-16-2007

I'd have to say During the Pax Romana.

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Wes - 10-16-2007

I would like to have been with Caesars first contact on British soil, or stuck on Hadrians wall. Although the Early Republic and the Punic Wars are becomng more interestingto me too.

The more I learn, the more cool stuff want to find out more about...what a vicious cyce! LOL

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Marcus Julius - 10-16-2007

With hindsight in place, I'd choose to be a high member of the Praetorian or horse guard of Constantine, so I could assassinate him and prevent him from destroying Rome by moving her capitol out of Rome!

Re: What era would you have lived in? - markusaurelius - 10-16-2007

I would pick the late 2nd Century, Markus Aurelius period. I would make sure Lucius Verus didn't die, and that Commodus wouldn't be emperor, thereby destroying the "golden age" of Rome.

As a second choice I wouldn't mind being around around the period of 415AD, alongside Flavius Aetius. Try and stop the fall of Rome, perhaps by letting a moderate/intellect like Emperor Joannes (423-425) try turn the west around. There would be no room for fanatical Christianity....

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Aetius Helvius Merula - 10-16-2007

In keeping with the discussion, I'd choose 130 BC or so, the era of the Gracchus brothers. From what I've learned the plebians had much more power and rights during this period, and the odds are I'd be a pleb. The Republic hadn't quite entered into its final phase of civil wars which needed all the manpower, not to mention having to worry about Sulla's death lists.

So I could have served a mere 16 years tops and gone home with my loot and glory to put into the family pot, have my dad find me a wife and start a farm or trade somewhere in the provinces. Later on in Caesar's day that would be a losing proposition, as slave gangs had pretty much rubbed out the yeoman farmer.

But as much as I like classical Rome, I have a thorough appreciation for the modern world, its technology, science and social conventions, so I wouldn't choose to live then. I explained the paterfamilias idea to my dad and said I didn't want him having that kind of power over me, and he said he didn't want those headaches and duties Smile )

Re: What era would you have lived in? - caiusbeerquitius - 10-16-2007

I´d rather stay in my time. In Antiquity I´d be dead by now - I´m shortsighted and I have slight caries. But if I HAD to, I´d probably live somewhere close by the sea in a very small villa rustica in southern Gaul during the second or early third century. And I´d take my glasses with me. And a submachine gun with loads of ammo, just in case I´d need it. Big Grin

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Tarbicus - 10-16-2007

Any Republican period, so long as I was rich and not during the time of any greedy dictator. Imperial doesn't appeal - Emperors could be a bit too volatile for my liking.

Re: What era would you have lived in? - taira1180 - 10-16-2007

To have a nice and easy life, as a senator between Trajan and Marcus Aurelius; i would live in a villa in Gaul or Italy, near some city. To have a interesting life, i would choose Aetius time: i would stop his assassination, and would try to help him to be emperor and reconquest the west empire.

Re: What era would you have lived in? - AntonivsMarivsCongianocvs - 10-16-2007


Oh, without question from Alesia to Actium!

And my officer’s impression allow me to meet and involve me with Sulla, Pompey, Vercingetorix, Julius Caesar, Cato, Cleopatra VII, Mark Antony, Cicero, Herod, Agrippa, Octavian Augustus and a few others!

Or it would get me killed for impersonating an officer! :lol:

Re: What era would you have lived in? - john m roberts - 10-17-2007

The Late Republic for me, too. The politics were intensely interesting, Rome was full of outsized personalities and there was no obsequious court toadying to an emperor. Of course, I'd want to be well-off enough to afford a villa in southern Campania for the summer months when Rome was miserable and make frequent trips to Alexandria for some research at the Museum and Library. It's odd, isn't it, that for a modern person Rome of 2000 years ago seems much more congenial to us than Western Europe 300 or 400 years ago?

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Caius Marius - 10-17-2007

Tough call for me...I'm torn between Late Republic ala Julius Caesar, Boudicea's Britain, or Trajan's Dacian Campaigns. I had considered Hadrian Britain but I'm more of an immunes personality type anymore, so I wouldn't be happy building when I could be weilding a gladius and giving orders. :wink:

Like I've said many tmes before...I was born in the wrong century and on the wrong side of the pond.... :roll:

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Gaius Julius Caesar - 10-17-2007

Hmmm, the Punic war would be interesting, as long as I was in a position of command, and armed with what I know of the out comes....
Winning Cannae would be cool..
Also, being there with Scipio Africanus.....

then the later Republic would be interesting, for obvious reasons... 8)

Marcus Aurelius' Marcromannic period would be a time to make your mark.... :twisted:

And a nice cushy posting to the frontier in Brittania,,, :lol: :roll:

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Nerva - 10-17-2007

Caligula...yep, has to be during the reign of Caligula. Wild orgies, wine and debaucherous sexual acts with Helen Merron do it for me every time :lol:

Re: What era would you have lived in? - Historicula - 10-17-2007

Definatley Late Republic. I would love to hear some of Cicero's orations and I've always been intrigued with the interactions between Caesar and Vercingetorix.