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Re: world cup - tlclark - 06-15-2006

Quote:Empire!! Good golly! We are having a real anglosphere moment here aren't we!!

Er....actually I meant the Roman Empire! Big Grin


P.S. Parry's 'Jerusalem', with words by William Blake.


Back to mean Football:

Truthfully, Italy is the only team I ever followed with any passion. Back when I was taking Italian as an undergraduate (years ago now!) all the Italian minors and majors would gather on the dorm floor and watch "soccer". A bunch of them had gone to Italy on religious missions and came back with a passion for it. We played intramural some, I stunk, but that's when I learned that in real football you have to have one heckuva cardiovascular system because unlike American football the plays don't last 15 seconds.

Last year I found a bar on one side of the Piazza Navona that played american baseball, basketball and English football, one of the few places where everyone spoke some English, so since my ancestry is Liverpool and I was desperate for some English company, (My Italian isn't what it was 12 years ago!) I joined in, so now I'm an England fan...when I catch a game, which is like, close to never...but oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Both kids play though. It's weird. Here in America, Soccer/football is the number one sport for kids under 12. It's easy to see why. It's far more entertaining that either baseball or american football.


Re: World Cup - LUCIUS ALFENUS AVITIANUS - 06-15-2006


Spain wins. :oops:

I'm better soldier than augur!

Re: World Cup - Tarbicus - 06-15-2006

Quote:so since my ancestry is Liverpool

Scouse keyboard

I'll be very surprised if you get that one.

Re: World Cup - Peroni - 06-15-2006

A page just for Scallies and Scousers...

[Image: LIVERPOO5.jpg]

The Boss is letting us go home early today to watch the England game!


Re: World Cup - Tarbicus - 06-15-2006

Yeah yeah yeah (no reference to the Beatles who I despise).

And yes, I'm a scouser.

Re: World Cup - Robert Vermaat - 06-15-2006

Quote:And yes, I'm a scouser.

Couldn't resist... :twisted:
[Image: tarby_scouse.jpg]

Re: World Cup - Tarbicus - 06-15-2006

Sod. You wait, once England have finished embarrassing themselves.

Re: World Cup - Peroni - 06-15-2006

:lol: :lol: :lol:


excelent Robert! Tarb isn't the only one skilled in photo manipulation!


World Cup - Graham Sumner - 06-15-2006

Liverpool 2 (sorry England) Trinidad and Tobago 0 Big Grin

Jim Wrote:
Quote:And yes, I'm a scouser.

R A are they making fun of you Tarby!


Re: World Cup - Tarbicus - 06-15-2006

I didn't ask fer i'. Dee do doe don't dee doe, Summo!

Re: World Cup - Susanne - 06-15-2006

Oh my... the game between Sweden (1) and Paraguay (0) was a true nailbiter!

Re: World Cup - tlclark - 06-16-2006

tlclark:356sx142 Wrote:so since my ancestry is Liverpool

Scouse keyboard

I'll be very surprised if you get that one.


So from what I understand is that Liverpool is the New Jersey of England? Right? Every house in Camden has a car out front on blocks!!

No wonder I fit in!! I think I've found my homeland!!

Now please explain the etymology of "Scouser"


Re: World Cup - Peroni - 06-16-2006

According to Wikipedia...

Scouse is the accent and dialect of English found in the northern English city of Liverpool and adjoining urban areas of Merseyside, northwestern Cheshire and Skelmersdale, West Lancashire. The Liverpool accent is highly distinctive and sounds wholly different from the accents used in the neighbouring regions of Cheshire and rural Lancashire. Inhabitants of Liverpool are often called Scousers.

The word Scouse was originally a variation of lobscouse (probably from the north German sailor's dish Labskaus), the name of a traditional dish of scouse (food) made with lamb stew mixed with hardtack eaten by sailors.

Netherlands are playing today.. (I have a small proportion of orange blood in my veins, My great, great grandfather anglicised our surname Wijnke to Wink)

I shall be supporting the Dutch today!

Re: World Cup - Tarbicus - 06-16-2006

Quote:So from what I understand is that Liverpool is the New Jersey of England? Right? Every house in Camden has a car out front on blocks!!
Oohh, not Camden mate. That's London, where all the soft southern shandy drinkers are :wink: I hail from a part of the country where real men wear t-shirts in subzero conditions. The women wear less.
Quote:The word Scouse was originally a variation of lobscouse (probably from the north German sailor's dish Labskaus), the name of a traditional dish of scouse (food) made with lamb stew mixed with hardtack eaten by sailors.
Indeed, the story goes that when the Vikings were kicked out of Ireland they came across the Irish Sea and settled in the Isle of Man and the northwest coast of England. My actual homeland of the Wirral peninsula (no "woolyback" or "plastic scouser" comments please - yes there are sub-scousers if you're from Liverpool itself) still has signs of its Viking heritage, including placenames like Thurstaston. Liverpool was just a marshy bit of nastiness, hence the name alluding to its colour and condition. I once read that 'scouse' was a Viking word for 'marsh', but that's a dodgy reference.

And there's nothing like a plate of homemade scouse to warm the cockles of your heart. Delicious.

Re: World Cup - Peroni - 06-16-2006

Football Joke

Ronaldinho goes into the Brazilian changing room to find all his team mates looking a bit glum.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know its important but its only England. They're sh*te and we can't be bothered."

Ronaldinho looks at them and says, "Well, I reckon I can beat them by lads go down the pub."

So, Ronaldinho goes out to play England by himself and the rest of the Brazilian team go off for a few beers.

After a few pints, they wonder how the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads:-

"BRAZIL 1 - ENGLAND 0 (Ronaldinho - 10 mins)"

He is beating England all by himself.....

A few pints later and the game is forgotten until someone remembers, "It must be full-time now, let's see how he got on"

They put the teletext on.

"Result from the stadium: BRAZIL 1 (Ronaldinho 10 mins) - ENGLAND 1 (Lampard 89 mins)"

They can't believe it, he has single-handedly got a draw against England!!
The players rush back to the stadium to congratulate Ronaldinho. They find him in the dressing room, still in his kit, sitting with his head in his hands.

He refuses to look at them. "I've let you down. I've let you down" he says.

"Don't be daft, you got a draw against England, all by yourself. And they only scored at the very, very end!"

"No, no, I have let you down......

I got sent off after 12 minutes......!!"

Big Grin