How would you change history? - Printable Version

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Re: How would you change history? - john m roberts - 04-08-2008

Kill Romulus, then come back and see if there is a city of Reme, a historical Reman Empire, and a board called Reman Army Talk.

Re: How would you change history? - Aetius Helvius Merula - 04-08-2008

Quote:another idea: make coins with my face on it and engrave "matthias wagner, ultral0rd of teh universe" and pass it to the public.

Don't forget to put on the other side of the coins "Germania pwns!" and watch them die of horror Big Grin

Re: How would you change history? - Decius - 04-08-2008

Decius:2tix29rx Wrote:another idea: make coins with my face on it and engrave "matthias wagner, ultral0rd of teh universe" and pass it to the public.

Don't forget to put on the other side of the coins "Germania pwns!" and watch them die of horror Big Grin

: D

germanic army talk

integrate goths - Goffredo - 04-08-2008

I'd go back a couple of years before 378 CE and settle the goths in a rational and peaceful way.

Re: How would you change history? - cacrispvs - 04-08-2008

Quote:Then I guess we should never discuss how many other relgions those two major religions eradicated since they came along.

I think you miss the point, Tim. This thread is supposed to be lighthearted, not a personal diatribe against religions.

As Mike stated, and I agree: it is offensive to many people, myself included, to suggest eradication of something that we hold dear.

If what you want is to assault religion, then there is no shortage of other places on the internet for that. And (as suggested in the RAT posting rules) I ask that you take your postings on that subject there.

No one here denies that organized religions (mine and others) have in the past, and currently do abhorrent things. If you want to discuss the HISTORICAL nature of those things, fine. But I respectfully ask that you limit yourself to history, not personal conviction.

I apologize in advance to the moderators if I'm stepping on toes/violating rules here. But I come to RAT to enjoy myself, not to be offended. Like I said earlier, there are a lot of places that do that. This shouldn't be one of them, but this whole thread, starting with the 3rd post, is coming close.

OK - I'll shut up now.

Re: How would you change history? - Decius - 04-08-2008

nuff said.

Re: How would you change history? - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 04-08-2008

Why are all of you worrying about such minor issues in history?

You could have used the opportunity to set yourself up for a big date with the model that posed for the "Victory of Samothrace".

What ARE you people thinking?

R. Izard

Re: How would you change history? - Decius - 04-08-2008

Quote:What ARE you people thinking?

[Image: think.png]

Re: How would you change history? - Aetius Helvius Merula - 04-09-2008

Dude, that photo had some serious mulletude. You may be on to something there..add a cart full of CDs of 70s and 80s rock, and a solar powered CD player, and all those nasty fate-deciding tyrants would be too busy rocking out to do anything, and history would pan out the way any number of alternate history (my favorite) authors speculate that it might.

OK, here's something I thought of belatedly after my last up with Heron of Alexandria, give him translated copies of books on engineering principles, steam engines, mechanical devices within classical manufacturing capability like cranes, windmills, horse collars, metallurgy and such...and 6 or 7 large chests of gold to pay for it all. Tell him he was on the right track, he just needed more money and impetus. Then go back home and see what kind of industrial revolution he'd brought about.

Slaves were the machines and industrial power in those days. While individually cheap, you needed lots and lots of them for any large task. A machine might take more money initially to build prototypes and perfect, but you'd only need a few in proportion to slaves. With economic power concentrated in the hands of those who could afford a few machines but not thousands of slaves, I wonder how the patrician/equestrian orders would hold up....and whether slavery would be implode a thousand years earlier.

Re: How would you change history? - Donciorate - 04-09-2008

I would personally help fortify Vercingetorix's fortifications at Alesia with landmines, razor wire and claymores, and then watch Caesar's cavalry try to take it.

Re: How would you change history? - Decius - 04-09-2008

Quote:Dude, that photo had some serious mulletude. You may be on to something there..add a cart full of CDs of 70s and 80s rock, and a solar powered CD player, and all those nasty fate-deciding tyrants would be too busy rocking out to do anything, and history would pan out the way any number of alternate history (my favorite) authors speculate that it might.

OK, here's something I thought of belatedly after my last up with Heron of Alexandria, give him translated copies of books on engineering principles, steam engines, mechanical devices within classical manufacturing capability like cranes, windmills, horse collars, metallurgy and such...and 6 or 7 large chests of gold to pay for it all. Tell him he was on the right track, he just needed more money and impetus. Then go back home and see what kind of industrial revolution he'd brought about.

Slaves were the machines and industrial power in those days. While individually cheap, you needed lots and lots of them for any large task. A machine might take more money initially to build prototypes and perfect, but you'd only need a few in proportion to slaves. With economic power concentrated in the hands of those who could afford a few machines but not thousands of slaves, I wonder how the patrician/equestrian orders would hold up....and whether slavery would be implode a thousand years earlier.

244 AD: the emperor of roman earth wipes out all mankind by pushing the wrong button on his desk. actually he just wanted to order new attic helmets and zebra-print tunics for his 289 legions at amazon.rome . blame Aetius Helvius Merula, the founder of the roman industrial revolution.

Re: How would you change history? - Theodosius the Great - 04-09-2008

How about concocting some tricks that Claudius would perceive to be evil omens that would dissuade him from invading Britain ? The empire will need those 3 or 4 legions plus Auxiliary forces to properly defend the Rhine and Danube frontiers in the not-too-distant future.

(Kinda like what the Jewish rebels did to Flavius Silva in the TV series "Masada", although Silva wasn't dissuaded Sad wink: )


Re: How would you change history? - hoplite14gr - 04-09-2008

Quote:Why are all of you worrying about such minor issues in history?

You could have used the opportunity to set yourself up for a big date with the model that posed for the "Victory of Samothrace".

What ARE you people thinking?

R. Izard

At least a sensible suggestion (good thing my wife does not get into this forum!)

Laudes Ralf

Kind regards

Re: How would you change history? - Avatar - 04-10-2008

If it was all in one place at one time, my first two options are not viable, since we do not discuss religion here. My third option would be to save Caesar. I'd run in with some soldiers just as the first dagger was raised, and bring a modern paramedic with some kit to save Caesar in case someone got a stab in.

If I could jump around a little, I'd take some time off to plunder a couple of battlefields after having done the first three things. Say, a Republican, a Greek, and an Imperial battlefield, preferably where they fought foes who had kits I'd like to obtain. Like the Celts, the Macedonians, and maybe the Cartheginians.

Or maybe, just for laughs, I'd bring Hannibal tons of gold, and bring a sniper rifle to Vienna around 1910. Kudos to those who get that one.

Re: How would you change history? - TITVS SABATINVS AQVILIVS - 04-10-2008

You know, I'd be at Maranga to stop that man's (?) hand before throwed that f*****g javelin to the Emperor Iulianus, BTW, then maybe I'd not come back in XXI century, I'd like remain there to fight in the roman ranks and enjoy the Iulianus army final victory in Persia... and the complete Restauratio Imperii... :wink:
