What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Printable Version

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Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 01-27-2007 ... rticle.334 - The hungaryan-hun pagan write mode

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Arahne - 01-28-2007

Do You have any photo of the hungarian script, that You are talking about?

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Arthes - 01-29-2007

I took the 'Celtic Cross' as meaning the equal armed cross within a circle....which is derived from the ancient Sunwheel symbolism...?
Hot Cross Buns as eaten at Easter, are derived from the bread carved with the Sun Wheel or Solar Cross as Vallus mentions.
I read here this was also used in Mithraism (Persian Mithra, Vedic Mitra)

Scythian/Hun/Magyar discussion

From an article by Fred Hamori
at [url:27d4fkd7][/url]
The Greeks also associated the invention of iron working with the Scythians. This again is a northern Messopotamian and Anatolian invention and being Anatolian in origin the Scythians also had some great iron working tribes like the Kalybs tribe which gave steel its name in many early European languages. In time they became absorbed by the Sarmatians and Yazig. They must have also been remembered by the Yazig cavalry taken by the Romans to early Britain and were the foundation of the King Arthur myths of Ex-Calibur, and the sword myths which are all early Anatolian traditions. These traditions were also found in Hun and Magyar traditions and mentioned by Herodotus amongst the early Scythians.

This may be of interest too....[url:27d4fkd7][/url]


Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 02-05-2007

Thanks Cristina.

I found just Hungaryan Sources.

Best regards

Another Celtic simbol - Treveri Gaul - 03-07-2007


Now about that other. Wheel of the Taranis. TA-RA-NIS. TARU - in Sziria / God of Thunder/ finn-karél TUURI - mansy/Tribe from Russland/ Tarem. Taranis come from Sumeria. In gael language TORRAN= Hungaryan language DURRAN /explosive- bang/.

The out side of wheel ring = SUN/GOD- ring simbol.

In the wheel three spokes. This is in the hun-hungaryan-scythian pagan write-GY-Egy/one/.

Wheel of Taranis = GOD THE ONE.

Source: Mesterházy Zsolt: The Ancient Hungary The Great Ancient World War and The Rome-Syndrome

" This book the ancient hystory of Hungary provides many surprises for the western European reader. The Europian ancient history begins today with the Greeks and Romans. The Roman Empire receives and explicit place in it. The European history will be generaly discussed from this point of wiew and the great influence of the history of Rome can be detected even in the today~s Europe. This book visualises a much more ancient European history when the continent had yet a single language or closely related languages with its rather uniform civilisation and culture. The autor present the roots of the Celtic / means Eastern comming/ Europe its language and civilisation that was a creation of the people with agglutinative languages. He present the archaeological proofs for the many paralells between Celtic and Etruscan founds and many examples are givern for the Celtic and ancient bronze-age Hungarian paralells. He is convinced that the ethnic development of Celtic civilization is bounded to the Carpathian Basin /Old-Hungary/. He presents proofs for the relations between Sumerian, Celtic and Hungarian languages. He shows on a vast tableau the living presence of the Sumerian , Celtic and Hungarian languages in the todays languages of Europe. However the grammatical system was not adopted. Only a great part of the vocabulary was transmitted into the ancient Indo-European languages. Through the contradictions linguistic material he documents the statement that the linguistic development of the Western European languages does not correspond with the historic description and in several instances leads to contradictions. Especially great changed are suggested in the Latin and Etruscan fusion. To study this problem the decding of Etruscan texts is suggested with the helpof the Hungarian language. This could be realised on the basis of related Sumerian, Hungaryan, Hurritic, and Celtic languages but for this a large-scale study of the Ural-Altaian language family should be evaluated. He present examples that Etruscan text become understandable with the help of the Hungarian and related language. The changes severely influence the present wiew of the Roman history shorten significantly its duration and influence also its in role European history. A long fight began with the entrance of the inflecting (Indo-Europian) peoples on the scene of history. By this the peoples of the first Europian high culture was abandoned and eroded except several Celtic islands and greater part of the Carpatian Basin. This was the Great Ancient World War.."

to be Continue

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Robert Vermaat - 03-07-2007

Quote: Source: Mesterházy Zsolt: The Ancient Hungary The Great Ancient World War and The Rome-Syndrome
" This book the ancient hystory of Hungary provides many surprises for the western European reader. The Europian ancient history begins today with the Greeks and Romans.
This book visualises a much more ancient European history when the continent had yet a single language or closely related languages with its rather uniform civilisation and culture.
Well, may be this is news for mr. Zsolt, but in all event, future European history will remain the same.
Why? Because history can only be based on written sources. I know of no earlier written sources, earlier than Greek or Roman ones. Inscriptions alone can’t be a basis for rewriting Roman history, nor can medieval sources.

Quote: He presents proofs for the relations between Sumerian, Celtic and Hungarian languages.
Is he a linguist? I understood that Hungarian was from an altogether different language Group than Celtic, which is closely related to Germanic and Latin…

Quote: He shows on a vast tableau the living presence of the Sumerian , Celtic and Hungarian languages in the todays languages of Europe.
Same question – I hope this has even some basis in linguistic studies..

Quote: Through the contradictions linguistic material he documents the statement that the linguistic development of the Western European languages does not correspond with the historic description and in several instances leads to contradictions.
Hmm. What contradictions? When people contact me with news that they have found startling revelations in Late Roman and early medieval history, it’s usually based on denying either contemporary evidence, or a complete re-interpretation of such sources, usually without any scientific method. From what I read here (and I realise it’s just a short description) I must say I’m not filled with trust that this is not the case here…

Quote: Especially great changed are suggested in the Latin and Etruscan fusion. To study this problem the decding of Etruscan texts is suggested with the helpof the Hungarian language. This could be realised on the basis of related Sumerian, Hungaryan, Hurritic, and Celtic languages but for this a large-scale study of the Ural-Altaian language family should be evaluated.
Sumeric, Hurritic, Celtic and Hungarian languages are supposedly all related???

Quote: He present examples that Etruscan text become understandable with the help of the Hungarian and related language.
Well, I have a book that claims that Etruscan and Illyrian languages are related to modern Slovenian, a Slavic language. That book claims that the Veneti were a Slavic people, and that the Slavic peoples always lived in Eastern and South-eastern Europe. That book also claims that it is proven that Celts and Romans only visited, and later left, and that the modern Slavs are descendants of a people that always lived where they live now.

So what can I say? Are all the scholars idiots?

Quote: The changes severely influence the present wiew of the Roman history shorten significantly its duration and influence also its in role European history.
Shorten Roman history???? HOW?? I suppose it was the Hungarians that really conquered Europe?

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Dan Diffendale - 03-07-2007

Sumerian is an isolate, that is, it's not related to any other known language. You can't do historical linguistics just by looking at words that seem similar or look alike. There's a whole raft of other issues to consider.

Quote:To study this problem the decoding of Etruscan texts is suggested with the help of the Hungarian language.
Etruscan doesn't need to be "decoded." Sure, it's not perfectly understood (see, for instance, the Zagreb mummy wrapping), but thus far it's also an isolate.

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - drsrob - 03-07-2007

Woudhuizen and Best have made a case for Etruscan being related to Luwian languages (Phrygia) and to the Minoan language.

The Ancient Hungary - Treveri Gaul - 03-08-2007

" Its story begins with heavy Roman attacks after the Mediterranean World become part of Empire . As a consequense vast sourcesof human economical and military power ready for new offensive wars. At the same three large fronts were opened towards Gallia and Britannia againts the Carpathian Basin /the Ancient Hungary /and Pontus and in the Ancient East against the Partian Empire, on altogether many tousand s kilometers long military front zone. Also capable commanders were at hand. The intrigues the mad power fights of members of the first triumvirate characterise the epoch. In the first act of this war betweeen inflecting and non inflecting (agglutinative) peoples the exponential growth of the Empire couls be stopped. It could not conquer the territories behind the Rhine and Danube and the Parthian Empirecould resist over centuries. This stabilization, however made impossible to strengthen the Empire with novel external sources. The corruption and the growing inefficiency of the slave-keeper society deteriorated slowly the functioning of the state. When the military emperors came to power even Rome ceased to be centre of the empire. Attila supported by the emerging German allies failed the rests of the overaged agonising empire. He could suspend the Slave Empire but he could not restore the ancient Celtic Europe. He even did not conquer Rome however returned to the Carpathian Basin. The allied Germans had another opinion they wanted Rome and let murder him. Somewhat later they got what tehy wanted. However the Hunnian king of Rome Odoaker should have been killed before. The Germans settled the ruins of Rome and inherided the idea of the Empire. The numerous proofs presented led the author to deny the theories founding the Indo-European history and linguistic and does not aggre with the idea to consider the inflecting people as homogeneus family. He denies the Indo-European nature of the Etruscans, Hettitas, Scythians and Celtic peoples. By this for large supporting columns are fallen from the artefact building of Indo-European hisrory. He says, now we cab understand why the linguistic is so important for the Indo-Europeans and funs of Finno-Ugrians. The ingogermanization of the Scythians made possible the building of the genealogy up to India and from India to Europe again. The reclassification of the Celtic culture served the foundation of the idea of superb Europe in the opposite case it should have been accepted that the Western civilisation is not of Indo-European origin. The transformation of the Hettites meant the artifical disruption of the linguistic unity of the ancient Eastern agglutinative cultures. However this made impossible to accept the idea of the movement of these people towards Europe.

to be Continued

Re: The Ancient Hungary - Robert Vermaat - 03-08-2007

Let’s see… How many actual factual errors did that piece contain?
Quote: At the same three large fronts were opened towards Gallia and Britannia againts the Carpathian Basin /the Ancient Hungary /and Pontus and in the Ancient East against the Partian Empire, on altogether many tousand s kilometers long military front zone.
Of course not. These areas of conflict were never continuously in a state of war. Gaul, for instance, was conquered before Britain was invaded. Some campaigns took place in these parts before another started, but they never took place at the same time.
Quote: The intrigues the mad power fights of members of the first triumvirate characterise the epoch. In the first act of this war betweeen inflecting and non inflecting (agglutinative) peoples the exponential growth of the Empire couls be stopped.
I don’t understand what that means. “non inflecting (agglutinative) peoplesâ€

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 03-08-2007


The Indo-European presentation of the Etruscans supported the idea of Indo-European nature of the Roman people and Empire. We should put the question does have the Indo-European history linguistic arguments for the Indo-European origin of the European culture? We can give the answer: no one left.

The author like to build up the European history on a much more profounded fundament. He thinks that the real truth is more important than to have artefacts for the European supremacy. He is convinced that a real wiew of the sunreise of the European culture and civilization will be a benefit for everybody who would like to see the history as it truly happened. The Indo-European view of the history and its errors were fully accepted and teached also on Hungary. Even the present official history is based on it. This caused significant losses for the Hungaryan nation its consequences are far reaching and the fall of Hungary after the First World War was also partly caused by it /Trianon/ He is convinced that the ancient and early mediaeval Hungarian history can be truly written only this new perspective of European history. He stresses that these newer findings do not allow the useof false stereotypes about Hungarians and related peoples. He thinks that smallest competitor for the ancient European common history is the Celtic tradition and not the heritage of the slave-keeping societes. In the Indo European history the largest error will be considered in the fact that the basis of it was chosen wrong. Therefore a world has been created that never existed. Andt what is even more profound in this artifikal framework they could not find place for the civilisation streams originating from the East. There were, however several scientists, like the German Müllerkarpe and Schachermeyr who recognisted some of the mistakes. The author went ahead on this road to deny other significant misunderstanding to provide the possibility to have only one European history.

to be Continued [/b][/i]

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 03-08-2007


In this book the history of the Carpathian Basin receives new insights. A lerga number of archaeological findings from here will be compared with the founds in Asia Minor Aegean region Mesopotamia Caucasus area and Turan. An incredible large amount of paralells and overlapping were discovered. It had not a peripheral but a central role in the ancient history. Is was the connecting and transmitting place to pass the heritage of the East to the West of the continent. By the same way the Hungarian related moments will be presented in the history of the East, Pontus and especallyin the Partian empire led by daha-scythians related to the Hungarians.

The new evaluation of the old Hungarian history has a long tradition. The author published the book about " The Treasury of Hungarian ancient History " by the Publishing House Magyar Ház 1998. This is historycal cronology and views the ancient Hungarian history back of 10.000 years.It summarises the knowledge of the not official Hungarian historic research and views. The genesis of the agglutinative Hungarians will be discussed in the area Caucasus, Mesopotamian and Carpathian Basin. He comes to the conclusion that in the Carpathian Basin the Hungarian or an earlyHungarian language has been used since aproximately 5000 years. More exactly the settled agricultural ground population whit is culture and civilisation was able to integrate the later coming peoples that were mosty related to Hungarians. The Treasury measures the time wirh large scale. The " Ancient Hungary " takes only a smaller part for the investigations and a near view. The knowledge of that book surely helps to understand the ralations and ideas of this book, too

The Publisher: Zsolt Mesterházy

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 03-09-2007

Hi Vorti!

You see this website The webmaster Zsolt Mesterházy. Many new information, Many new information, You just read this, and after argue with me.

Best regards

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Martin Wallgren - 03-09-2007

Eh! Any english version of this?

Can´t read the language!!

Re: What do you mean, The Celtic cross? - Treveri Gaul - 03-09-2007

Hallo Martin!

In this and you found many information, not just Hungarian language, english and german language.