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Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Narukami - 11-21-2006

Cornelius wrote:

A waterproof variant of the experiment: open the door and wait for lobbyists coming in 8)

By the gods! -- I would rather 40 days and nights of rain before I would admit one of those "alien intelligences" into my house. :evil:

I'm sorry, I should not have said that. It really is not fair to any aliens who might be present in the Galaxy and listening in on these conversations...

As for your YouTube search -- perfect! :!:

I'm headed there now.


Re: Extraterrestrial Life - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 11-21-2006

if you seriousely do want to help in a scientific way, go to the homepage of SETI

and download the BOINC program. this way you will be using your computer's processor when you are not using the computer, to calculate and process various bits of what SETI hears, and send it back to the mainframe.

if millions of computers do this, and millions are already doing so, it wil be a great help for the ongoing investigation into possible existence of intelligence far far away.


Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Magnus - 11-21-2006

I often wonder if we'll breach the speed of light, similar to how we did it with the sound barrier. Perhaps if we can't go through the light barrier, we can find ways around it. It's fascinating to think where theoretical propulsion will be in even 25, 50 and 100 years. If we're all still around that is.

Other life out there? Well, Earth might be a fluke, but given the sheer number of solar systems in our Galaxy alone, and multiply that by the number of "known" galaxies in our Universe, i think it's very likely. The sheer size of space and our fairly primitive passive and active detection devices doesn't make it too hard to fathom the possibility that we've missed something out there.

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - tlclark - 11-21-2006

Quote:If you want real entertainment go to Youtube and type in UFO in the search field.

We are talking about the possibility of intelligent life OFF this planet. :wink:

I have no hopes for finding it here.

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - tlclark - 11-21-2006

Quote:I often wonder if we'll breach the speed of light, similar to how we did it with the sound barrier. Perhaps if we can't go through the light barrier, we can find ways around it. It's fascinating to think where theoretical propulsion will be in even 25, 50 and 100 years. If we're all still around that is.

Go google "Miguel Alcubierre". That man has given more hope to sci-fi nuts than any other.

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Tarbicus - 11-21-2006

Quote:We are talking about the possibility of intelligent life OFF this planet. :wink:

I have no hopes for finding it here.

Do you mean finding it on RAT?

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 11-21-2006


if you go to page one you can see a historical happening!!!!!






:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

the aliens did not! make us do that!!! itr was Karma... ne!!

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - FAVENTIANVS - 11-22-2006

Piccies of supposed real Aliens, please!!
For example:
[Image: realalien.jpg] ... itors5.jpg

barriers - Goffredo - 11-22-2006

Hi guys, in particular Magnus and Matthew.

I hope I am not being too blunt but I must be firm and say that there is absolutely no similarity between sound barrier and light barrier besides the word "barrier"! Words are clumsy, are rarely used consistently, and it is not wise to base an argument on the use in both instances of the word "barrier". What counts is what you DO with a word or a concept.

The sound barrier was NEVER perceived to be an absolute barrier if only because all one had to do was to begin to remove the air (lower the air pressure) and the air resistance to a moving object, with all its potentially dangerous implications, became less and less to the point of disappearing! Mind you that the modern notion of a vacuum goes back to Torricelli, a student of Galileo! Since then moving through a fluid (air) at speed higher than the speed of sound was seen as a technological problem. It was NEVER never perceived as a fundamental one. Indeed anyone not interested in moving faster than 300 meters a second at sea level could care less about this "barrier"!

Light on the other hand is completely different! The so-called "light speed barrier" is fundamental in the sense that it is seen to be at work everywhere! As I write and as you read what I wrote, the physics behind the concept of the "speed of light barrier" accounts for the way electrons move and ultimately how my and your computers work! It is at the basis of how stars and form and shine, and hence how life can even be allowed to take hold on some planet orbiting a stable star. Reconsidering electrons, they are the main actors in all of chemistry and in particular biochemistry. So you see the physics behind the "light speed barrier" is at the basis of life itself!

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Tarbicus - 11-22-2006

Einstein never laid down that lightspeed cannot be exceeded, it has only been assumed from his equations. If spacetime fabric can be bent he always accepted that faster than light travel is possible. We've also yet to observe tachyons (in principal they're there), and there is Cherenkov radiation, so I'd never say "never".

tachyons - Goffredo - 11-22-2006

Einstein and straightfoward ways of using relativity does say that speed of light is a barrier: it cann't be breached meaning that what is slower than light cannot go faster and what is faster cannot go slower. In other words if tachyons do exist they are on the other side of the barrier!

And yes please do mention Cherenkov radiation. It make my position clearer and NOT weaker. You are mistaken at refering to it! Read more and you will understand that the phenomena occurs when an object travels faster than the speed of light in that medium. Light in a material medium, say glass, does travel considerably slower than it does in a vacuum. SO if a particle is traveling thru say a liquid at a speed faster than that light can travel in that same liquid then one observes Cherenkov radiation.

I can say never! To say "you cann't say never" is by far weaker claim and indeed it more deological than to claim absolutes. At least when it comes to physics. Politics, ethics, estetics, ok. Physics? No way.

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Tarbicus - 11-22-2006

Why can't I say never? Even NASA believe FTL is possible, but the technologies just aren't there. If we can control electro-magnetism (which we do) then in principal we should be able to control gravity. If we control both electro-magnetism and gravity then...

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 11-22-2006

well i personally think that even a speed lesser than 300.000 meters per second is something to strive for in space travel!

we'll cross that barrier when we reach it. first lets try to get there....


well... - Goffredo - 11-22-2006

The only super-luminal space travel that could maybe be done (and I am sure this is the type NASA is fantasizing about) would not be the rectilinear type of a ever-more speeding ship with rocket engines blasting away. This type of speed is constrained by speed-of-light barrier. The type theorists NASA people and science fiction writers are considering would make use of a loop-hole that the more sophisiticated versions of Einstein's theory seem to allow: "worm holes", tunnels that connect parts of space-time like a hollow handle of a coffee mug which would connect one part of the mug surface with another by passing through the third dimension. It is concievable that entering one of these space-time corridors one would end up in another place (elsewhere) at another time (else-time) and that the ratio distance /time be greater than the speed of light. We have all seen STARGATE. Well...

Re: Extraterrestrial Life - Cornelius Quintus - 11-22-2006

Quote: Even NASA believe FTL is possible

Ave Jim,

you mean Financial Total Loss ? Think they have proved that more than once... :roll: