Gonna be a great Christmas! - Printable Version

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Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Lochinvar - 11-15-2007

Jona, I think your Queen was perfectly correct. God bless 'er!
Wonder if she'd appreciate Bill's second-hand pool table (hardly used, I gather).

Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Crispvs - 11-16-2007

"Jewelery is no fun."

I couldn't agree more. Daggers ARE lots of fun though. I for one can look at pictures of them for days on end and have to be thrown out of museums at closing time.

I don't see much point in food processers though. I use one decent kitchen knife and the odd fork and can anything a food processer in a time I find perfectly satisfactory.


Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Iagoba - 11-17-2007

One year ago, I was looking for my city´s Armoury Museum cataloge (edited in 1983...) and I asked to the girl in charge of the provincial government´s publications library. she said:

-I´m sorry, we haven´t got it. I ´ve searching it for years. Nice schiavona they have there, not? Confusedhock:

For those who doesn´t know what´s a schiavona:

[Image: normal_00484.jpg]
It´s a sword used by the eslavon (hence the name) guard of the Dux of Venice...

And the girl is in my fencing club now...learning medieval fencing...

Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - maius - 11-19-2007

Quote:I'm looking forward to seeing your dagger Bill. Now I can look at one close up with out having to fork out the $$ or find a new wife who would buy me one.

Greg, want me to ask Pam to talk to Valerie about getting you one. :twisted: :lol:

Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions, i'm planning on somthing real special for her for Christmas.


Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Renius - 11-19-2007

Quote:Bill thanks for the offer but I don't think a talk would be enough. Not even the threat of a bit of vine staff(sweet talking is useless) action would get her to cough up the cash for THE dagger.

Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Renius - 11-19-2007

Bill thanks for the offer but I don't think a talk would be enough. Not even the threat of a bit of vine staff action(sweet talking is useless) would get her to cough up the cash for THE dagger.

Re: Gonna be a great Christmas! - Lochinvar - 11-19-2007

Hey Iagoba,
That sounds like one quality woman!! The only problem is when she gets better than you at the fencing.