
Full Version: History Channel: Last Stand of the 300
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What do you think of the new documentary Last Stand of the 300 on the History Channel? It is reminiscent of the Alexander documentary that came out shortly after Oliver Stone's feature film.

I just finished watching it and thought it was pretty well done... There were a few historical inaccuracies, but overall not bad. The battle scenes were better than any previous documentary I've seen. I'd love to know details about the reenactors...
I loved it
though you cant get on DVD untill late in May which makes me sad
Herhm... I did see it listed when I happened to be at the pirate bay!
Its full of historical inaccuracies
Nice links Hoplitesmores! Thanks!

Sadly it's all Greek to me! :lol: :lol:

Sorry for the sad pun :oops:

You should maybe put your real name on your signature before the moderators get you though! Smile
Looking at the laast pic Gioi, it is a wonder the Persians could not just march around the pass through the valley on the otherside of the hills, and come out behind the Greeks, without having to rely on a traitor! looks a fairly open route to the pass on the left of the pic!

just my opinion!
Possibly! It has changed quite abit in the last 2500 yrs I guess!
BTW, they are showing the 50's version of the last stand at Thermopolae here in britain! Quite funny how they look so funny now, but they made such an impression on me when I first saw it when I was a kid! :lol: :lol: