
Full Version: OPEN LETTER TO a certain member
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Due to the fact mister ***** has written me a private message to which i could not react via PM since he has blocked me i am writing this letter.

He told me the following:

You are a complete ASS. The vast majority of your posts are nothing but baiting people, and causing bad feelings.

You sit behind your keyboard with your bravado, and you know that no one can touch you for your inflamatory have no backbone.


well... here is my answer for all of you to read, at least i stay polite....

Dear sir, you call my remarks inflammatory, and accuse me of not having a backbone and being safe behind my terminal.
You also call me a baiter.

Well... I have lost several friends in Iraq, Afghanistan and 9/11 , and also in former Yugoslavia.

read DEAD !!!!!

so dont you dare to instigate i am not committed or concerned.

Do not! for one second think i am trying to hurt people deliberately when i state my highly critical and left wing opinion freely. If you do not see what is happening in the world at present i feel very sorry for you.

The fact you block a return PM proves to me you have not really an idea of free speech and open debate.

Thank god the constitutions of both your country and mine have not been changed into that of a certain other country from another recent era, in which free speech, satire, and a lot of other things were punisheable only by death, slave labour and torture.

Okay I do provoke, but that is merely because i think that a proper discussion in some cases only can be forced open by provocation, especially when various propaganda clouds the mind.

So lighten up will you?

I do not live in a country in which gun laws are virtually non existent due to some amendment which outdates present day history by at least 250 years.

if you want to point a finger... point it at your own reflection in the mirror.
if you would like to change the world, please do so and help out for real in stead of name calling.

Errr. Honestly, but modern politics have no place here on RAT, just as the RAT rules say. Thread closed.