
Full Version: Biggest roman event of ever close to Lyon (France)
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I know of a big meeting of roman reenactors planned on june 10-11 close to Vienne (Lyon, France).
According to the organization there probably be there up to 170 roman reenactors (more than two centuriae), that, if I remember well could be the new "world record" in terms of roman reenactor, am I right?

The previous should be Ostia in 2003.
There were nearly 1500 reenactors at the anniversary of the founding of Rome a few years ago!

Legions and auxilia from all over Europe attended. One hell of a sight as we marched through the city!

I was talking about military reenactors not civilian.

In Rome there were 1500 roman soldiers?
If there were 1500 soldiers, I would sure like to see those pictures!
1500?!! Confusedhock:
Impressive! When next big event will be organised?
Moved to Events, folks! :wink:
As for the St Romain en Gaul Festival:
link from old RAT
