
Full Version: Almost final NEW design
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<FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>We've been redesigning the proposed design with reactions to the previous poll. So how do you like it now?</FONT><FORM method=post action=""><table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width="55%"><tbody><tr><td><input type="radio" name="choice" value="1"><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Oh yeah!</FONT></td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="choice" value="2"><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Not so bad</FONT></td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="choice" value="3"><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Same as now</FONT></td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="choice" value="4"><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Worse than now</FONT></td></tr><tr><td><input type="radio" name="choice" value="5"><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>I don't like the current, nor this design</FONT></td></tr></tbody></table><P><input type=submit value="Vote"></form><a HREF=><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=1>Show results</FONT></A> <p>Greets<br>
I like the idea of the procession between antiquity and today, but I'm not sure that this particular attempt does it for me. But I'm sure I'll learn to live with it... <p></p><i></i>
better, though I still think you're wasting space on both left and right of the screen! <p>Valete,<br>
[url=" target="top]fectienses seniores[/url]</p><i></i>


personally I'd do it the other way round.........<br>
ie transisition from original to modern from left to right <p><img src="
" width="100" height="100" align="right">
</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>vardulli</A> at: 2/13/05 10:34 pm<br></i>
I agree, there's something about a 'natural flow' in images. I can see why anyone would think of 'the old flowing into the new' (scuplture into photograph) as a flow from left to right.<br>
There's an anecdote about that from WWII. When Nazi Germany's armies were battling in Russia, the moviemakers were made to shoot <em>all</em> movement of troops and vehicles from left to right. The reason for this was the assumption that a vehicle moving left to right was seen as 'advancing', while a movement from right to left was seen as 'retreating'! <p>Valete,<br>
[url=" target="top]fectienses seniores[/url]</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Vortigern Studies</A> at: 2/26/05 3:36 pm<br></i>
Yes, I think that it would look great with todays army flowing out of the sculpture, sculpture on the left, army on the right. Perhaps the images can be flipped in Photoshop somehow.
Otherwise, it looks great.
I understand everybody's point, but unfortunately, the images I had to work with put me at something of a loss-- I only had pictures of the front of advancing reenactors, not the BACK of the procession, which made it rather difficult to make the old flow into the new, but easy to have the new going into the old.

I'll see what I can do though. :wink:
I still think you should widen the 'A4' format a bit, allowing more space so that we won't have to scroll down that much.

Oh, and..I'm not allowed to vote because it says I'm not a 'registered voter'... :evil:
I think the problem is that it's still a poll on old Ezboard.
Try a new poll. Be the first on the block!