
Full Version: Javelins/light throwing spears
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I thought I might get more response on this subject if a seperate post was dedicated to it.

What is known about the javelins used by some auxiliary soldiers in the imperial roman army (1st and second century AD)? Were the javelins used by the infantry longer than those used by the cavalry?

What did the javelin points look like. A very wide variety of potential roman javelin heads are known to us. Was there a common/typical form or was there no standardisation at all?

How long and heavy can a javelin head be to be effective? Were they left blackened by the forge?

How long and thick should a javelin shaft be?

How far can it be thrown? Has anyone done reconstructions and experimented with them?

Sorry about the wide variety of questions but it appears that this is a very shady subject...

I have found some pictures to send you. I have the report on the weapons from Vindolanda and as far as I can tell everyone seems to have a different opinion on what constitutes a good or suitable javelin head.
Sorry to be so vague. I'll put something in the post shortly.


I'd be interested too- could you email me the info?

