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On the first of December, Dutch archaeologist Simon L. Wynia passed away. He was seventy years old.

Mr. Wynia once worked for the Free University of Amsterdam, and I fondly remember his courses on Roman provincial archaeology and Latin epigraphy, his principal fields of expertise. He always showed a remarkable love for Holland's past; yet he was no chauvinist, rather quite simply a lover of the river country, who had a great fund of anecdotes about Dutch archaeologists and excavations.

This spirit can best be seen in his article "Caius was here" in: H. Sarfatij et al. (eds.), In Discussion with the Past. Archaeological studies presented to W.A. van Es (1999 Amersfoort), in which Mr. Wynia proved that Caligula's remarkable expedition to the Ocean shore took place near the estuary of the Rhine, and not -as is often said- near Boulogne.

Mr. Wynia will be buried next Tuesday, 6 December, at 1 p.m. at Akendam Cemetery in Haarlem-Noord. Simon would have appreciated that his funeral takes place on the day of St. Nicholas, one of the most beloved festivals in Dutch folklore.
And just to affirm why this mention is on RAT, IIRC he was also one of the organisers/editors of one of the Roman Frontier Studies conferences.
Perhaps a bit late, but one of the funeral addresses is now online, here.