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Experiments in making wine in amphorae, really large ones:

In fact, roman don't make wine in amphorae. They use a large ceramic recipients called dolium (plural dolia) were takes place wine fermentation. Then, they have to put the wine at amphorae and send to any city of empire.

Amphorae are mostly for trade and distribution, nor for fermentation, nor for table use.
A dolium can be pottery too, as you seen in Pompeii, set in the ground or in the counter of a caupona. In the news illustration, the object is clearly a dolium. Most likely however, no one knows the distinction of a dolium vs. an amphora, so the editors used the word amphora.
I guess if you really wanted to get technical it is only an amphora if it has two carrying handles on opposite sides... but the important question is, what do the results taste like?