
Full Version: TROJAN WAR RPG
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Hello Everyone! I'm one of the moderators of a Livejournal and AIM based Trojan War role playing game. There are several major characters still available, such as Paris, Ajax, Artemis, Aphrodite...the list goes on. If you are intersested, please e-mail me at [email protected] , and check<br>
for rules and link to a list of available characters. Thanks!<br>
-Andrea <p></p><i></i>


Troya was the Capital of Dardania, the Dardani was an Illyrian tribe.<br>
Illyrians are forefathers to the Albanians.<br>
Troje means land in albanian.<br>
The troyan war was a war against greeks and albanians forefathers and the war have not end yet.<br>