
Full Version: Late Roman Shield construction
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Hello, I am currently making a Late Roman shield. I have been having trouble finding good paints and a Boss for my shield. For those who have created such a shield (or one similar). Where did go get your Boss and what paints did you use for your shield?
I used modern paints,but you could milk-based pigments? They are available from reenactment shops.

What sort of umbo did you have in mind?
Holger Ratsdorf makes a couple of Bosses. Ibor makes them too. Wieland Forge if you're in Britain (he's no longer shipping overseas as he's trying to catch up on orders).
(12-30-2019, 12:17 PM)Robert Vermaat Wrote: [ -> ]I used modern paints,but you could milk-based pigments? They are available from reenactment shops.

What sort of umbo did you have in mind?
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I have finished most of my shield by this point. I was quite worried in how it would turn out especially with the paint, this is my first time doing a Late Roman shield so it could be seen as a practice. All that is left is to add the rim and umbo to the shield. I have looked into milk based pigments and they look much better than the paint I have used. As of now i'm searching around for a 12 cm diameter umbo, for my future projects I would like to know if there was any accurate measurement of the contemporary shields boss.