
Full Version: Prof Sir Fergus Millar (1935-2019)
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A giant has fallen. Fergus Millar, the one-time Camden Professor of Ancient History at Oxford, successor to such luminaries as Sir Ronald Syme, J.G.C. Anderson, and Francis Haverfield, has died at the age of 84.

If you read nothing else by Millar -- and his output was fairly prodigious -- you must seek out his 1977 tome The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 BC–AD 337 (the book is an inch-and-a-half thick, but its 656 pages are a treasurehouse of information).

I'm sorry I only knew Millar through his publications, so I'm glad I came across this blog entry by someone who was taught by the man: things-I-learned-from-Fergus-Millar.

Fergus Millar's page at Oxford University | The British Academy |