
Full Version: Tuna Paste, Anyone?
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A kind friend sent this to me, today.<br>
<p><center><font size= "3" face= "times new roman" color= "#CC0000"><i>What bargains we have made, we have kept. And as the dogs of the hours close in,</i></font></center>
<center><font size= "3" face= "times new roman" color= "#CC0000"><i>nothing can be taken from us but our lives.</i></font></center>
<center><font size= "3" face= "times new roman" color= "#CC0000"><i> "Victory" - Charles Bukowski</i></font></center>

"exotic fish paste made of tuna, dates, honey, vinegar, spices and herbs, a delicacy that Roman officers in particular liked to eat with hard-boiled eggs."<br>
Yummm, sounds good! On potatoes too, I think: a thing to try...<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius <p></p><i></i>
Easy, fast and delicious<br>
1) boil water and cook pasta of your choice;<br>
2) in the mean time cut to small chunks fresh tomatos, finely mince some onion and open a can of tuna, mix the three ingredients in a large bowel, add salt, some black pepper and plenty of olive oil (if you use canned tuna in oil I suggest drain the old oil away as much as possibile because fresh oil is what is needed);<br>
3) when pasta is ready ("al dente") quickly drain the pasta and before it cools pour the hot pasta onto the<br>
mixture in the bowel;<br>
4) Mix well letting the heat from the pasta "cook" the ingredients, then serve and enjoy!<br>
Simple, fast (less than 15 minutes) and no dirty pots! Very tasty.<br>
"Ahh, è vero: è una squisitezza! Tu non ci metti anche il peperoncino?"<br>
Ahh, true: a deliciousness! Don't you put in it a bit of "capsicum"?<br>
Hai ma provato una variante ancora più semplice?<br>
Metti a crudo solo tonno, olio extra<br>
vergine, pecorino romano (o parmigiano) e pepe nero, direttamente sulla pasta fumante e mescola...<br>
Ever tried a more "minimal" variant?<br>
Put on the hot smoking (just boiled) pasta the pieces of tuna, extra-virgin olive oil, roman pecorino (roman ewe's-milk cheese) or "real" italian parmigiano cheese,<br>
black pepper. Mix quickly and serve.<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
Here's a link tho the article from todays Telegraph. It has a picture, though not a clear one. Aparently it's got marketing evidence on it, says 'excellent' and 'top quality'<br>
interesting though all this fish paste is, perhaps of more interest to people here will be the reference at the end to them having found armour which retained textile padding. Any more info on that knocking around? Is it the bit of Squamata refered to on the legioXX site? <p><i>Unless the Persians fly away like birds, hide in the earth like mice, or leap into a lake like frogs, they will never see their homes again, but will die under our arrows</i></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Catiline</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 7/9/02 9:36:13 pm<br></i>