
Full Version: Alternating riveted and solid rings
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Here's a picture of my latest piece of maille (it looks best with the image blown up to full size):<br>
The rings are made from mild steel with a 10mm outside diameter. The inside diameter is 1/4 inch. I've gotten to the point where I only flatten the tab of the riveted rings, not the entire ring. I figure that I have a couple of years of work ahead of me to get to a complete suit of hamata. <p></p><i></i>


Very nice, the difference in colour gives it a bit extra.<br>
I have done some research on the lorica hamata. It seems that the full rings where hammerd out of a plate. That is why they are flat. The riveted rings are made from wire, that is why they should be round.<br>
But don't worry, I have seen more all round wire, non riveted lorica's in my live than your fine example.<br>
Keep up the spirit!!: <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Gauis Horatius Petrus</A> at: 5/6/04 10:12 am<br></i>


It's the best reproduction that I can make using my scanner. My digital camera does not have sufficient resolution to show the rings. The solid rings are indeed flat with a square crass section and the riveted rings are for the most part round. I'm getting better at just flattening the tab. <p></p><i></i>
how did you go about punching out your solid rings? <p></p><i></i>


Punching? Actually, I cheated. They're washers. Go to:<br>
Seastrom makes washers from any material and of any dimensions.<br>


It actually looks better than the picsture beleive it or not.<br>
He's done some great work <p></p><i></i>


Thanks for the comment. I've been working on this project for an entire year now and I have the upper section of the shirt, just covering my chest, done. After a couple more years I just might have a complete shirt. <p></p><i></i>