
Full Version: Helmet Dimensions "G" or "H" ?
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Hello, I'm experimenting with helmet raising and if it is not too much trouble, I need some dimensions of an Imperial G or H helmet. In particular, the depth of the bowl, the drop to the neck guard behind the ear cutout (the difference between the front edge and the top of neck guard) and the width and length of the neck guard. I have a lot of pictures and will have to do a lot of measuring and guessing without these critical measurements as I don't have a Depak copy on hand to measure. Thank you. <p></p><i></i>


Hi, Sjantell.<br>
I have raised a helmet and posted some pics six months ago, you will find some info there on proceedings. Just scroll back.<br>
Now, the best info you can get on the net is at Armamentarium. Just look for Mainz Gallic D in the contents, It is completely described with measurements. I know it is not a "G" or "H", but the differences are just details anyway.<br>
The road to raising a helmet successfully is gonna be hard and long, but when you succeed, and succeed you will, the glory of Rome will be upon you!<br>
Good luck!<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>


You must not forget to alter dimensions to your own head-size, this is very important, otherwise the helmet will probably be too small.<br>
Again this can all be found at my "helmetpost".<br>
PS: I don't think it would be a good idea to use a Deepeeka helmet for dimensions, since they are 'spun' not raised and will be more round, dish-like then a raised helmet which is made according the wearers head. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>quintilianus</A> at: 10/4/04 9:47 am<br></i>


I plan on sizing it for my head plus a little extra for a liner. I just didn't want to make the neck guard too large or small. I will look at the Armamentarium and you old posts. <p></p><i></i>


Did you experiment with the Robinson keyhole pattern before you used the round blank? <p></p><i></i>


Sjantell, this is news to me. What is the keyhole pattern? I don't posses a copy of Robinsons famous book.<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>quintilianus</A> at: 10/4/04 5:32 pm<br></i>


Oooh! I think I understand. Yes!<br>
Well I did something like it. I started with the round blank, but after a wile I concluded I had to remove the extra material on front (once I decided the axis), because I didn't need it and had to work it anyway.<br>
If you take a round shape for the head and ad extra in a crude(read over-sized), neck guard shape, you end up with a 'keyhole pattern', that's right.<br>
You will have to be able to leave that part alone while shaping the bowl though and be careful with the back of the bowl, because otherwise you will overstretch it and create a hole like I did.<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>


I don't have a copy of the Robinson Book but I do have a blacksmith book with the pattern from his book. I need to look it up anyway so I'll see if I can scan it and put a link in a post tonight. <p></p><i></i>


Juan, I have recently acquired a copy of Robinson. You're welcome to take a look at it this Saturday. <p></p><i></i>


You are a god! <p></p><i></i>


This book MUST be printed again!<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>


Heres a scan of the page from my blacksmithing book that shows the Robinson key pattern.<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>jsantell</A> at: 10/5/04 5:07 pm<br></i>
I also recently got a copy of the Robinson book. Since you're from Belgium (If I'm not mistaken), feel free to contact me if you want to lend it for a while.<br>
Hans <p></p><i></i>


That is absolutely fantastic!<br>
I still need to do some study work, before actually working on my gladius project and information is hard to come by.<br>
I will send you a message by e-mail.<br>
Thanks Hans!<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>


Wher are you guys finding these Robinson books, I've been looking for years. <p></p><i></i>
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