
Full Version: I\'ve just uploaded some instructional docs
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In the files section of the legio 30 cohort 2 Yahoo group:<br>
I've placed a couple of Robert Norton's excellent instructional guides:<br>
1. How to make caligae<br>
2. How to make a shirt of lorica hamata, including the doubler<br>
Hello Neuralmancer!<br>
Thank you for posting these, the one about the mail is particularly helpful for me! <p>Lucius Aurelius Metellus, miles gregarius, Secunda Brittanica</p><i></i>


In his document on maille, robert uses a fairly large ring, somewhat large for roman. A smaller more typically sized roman ring results in the use of more "basic units" for a given size patch. His methods apply ok, you just need to apply a scale factor. <p></p><i></i>