
Full Version: Roman soldier tombstones imagebase
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I found this website because I am looking for the imagebase of Roman soldier inscriptions from around the Roman world. Can someone tell me how to find the imagebase? Many thanks, Rowena Fenstermacher
Hi Rowena
Due to software upgrades, the imagebase doesn't work anymore. One of the reasons I'm now slowly upgrading the entire site is to make that database available again.
Thank you for the explanation. If I or my high-school Latin students can help in any way, please let us know--the imagebase is a fantastic resource! Good luck!
Can we get an update on the status of the RAT imagebase? The reason is, a sculptor is working with my wife and I to produce a "tombstone" of us in our Roman personae -- e.g. T. Flavius Crispus and Pompeia Pulchra. I want to make it as accurate as possible by incorporating elements from actual military tombstones. A conceptual drawing and a photo of us posed as on the monument is provided. Comments and suggestions are welcome!

[Image: zxy5qju.jpg]

[Image: CgcERtb.jpg]
Wow! that's cool. Are you going to pit the stone to represent scales? The Romans did that a lot for scales and chainmail on columns and scupltures and stuff.
Fellow Flavian--

Still deciding whether to show myself in full scale armor and phalarae or give myself a "promotion" to Praefectus Castrorum and be shown with a muscle cuirass... But in any case a lot of Roman monuments show scales quite clearly and correctly, so if I go that route the sculptor will have his work cut out for him!
Well good luck. If you need images of tombstones though, I actually have a link that might help while our database is down.
Nice drawing and photo!
Hi David
It'll likely be a while before it's back up and running. I do have access to the photos though. Is there anything specific I might help you with?