
Full Version: Looking to order leather tie for segmentata
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I've been looking on ebay for leather string to tie my segmentata (the beefy leather cords deepeeka gave me are too thick to tie a knot effectively). What is a good size to order for tying the seg? Something thick enough to be durable and something thin enough to tie a knot easily.

The most common sizes on ebay are 2mm-5mm, any suggestions or recommendations to buy some leather lace? Thanks
Hi Mat,
You could also check a leather supply shop such as Tandy Leather Factory, I know they have latigo cord and lacing. It's like $10 USD for 50ft. I only bring this up because sometimes ebays leather stuff is questionable at best (sometimes dry and cracked). Here is a link to tandy, but you may want to check other leather shops and sources as well.
I suppose you can't just trim/shave your existing ones?
There are leather cutting tools at leather shops that help you to create your own laces for boots helmet or indeed Segmentata, so whatever scaps of leather you might have can be used up and help cut costs.
Actually Brian and Ross have a good point about trimming yours or buying a trimming tool. They can be a pricier than buying the lacing, but doing reenactment you with find that you end up working your own leather quite a bit and probaley will save money in the long term.
Matt, in Europe and maybe the US to there are shumakers and herein the Netherlands they sell it in their shop maybe try that in your home town. good hunting.Shops for hunting equipment might see it to.
Ok thanks for the advice, so there isn't a particular size anyone uses or suggests?

Ventus, unfortunately the ties I have are too small to be trimmed down any further, at least with a scissors. Septimus, I just might order one from Tandy Leather. Was it the cowhide strips you were talking about on the Tandy site?

And Agrimensor, I am not aware of any shoe shops, but I might be able to find a hunting ship or equestrian shop around. Thanks
Mat it was the Tejas Latigo Lace, but that might work as well. Also another weird but easy place to get some good lacing is wal-mart shoe dept at the shoe lace stand, they carry some pretty long all leather lacing(basicaly just latigo strips) for work boots and such its usually in a natural color too.
I used left over 6-8oz leather and took a metal straight edge and cut strips about 3/8-1/4 inch thick with an exacto-knife. I then soaked them in neatsfoot or mink oil briefly and they've held up fine. No additional expense whatsoever.
Making your own definitely works.

For about five dollars you can also just by leather boot laces at about any Wal-Mart, Freddie Meyer, or place that sells boots. Its all natural and you can put a bit of strength behind it with out fear of the leather lace snapping.
that why you call it supermarket Wink almost anything is on sale there maybe thry sell lorica too in some dark corner of the mall. In Europe you can't anyway, good luck hunting for the laces.
A very handy and not expencive tool is the lace maker(watch the video).
Sorry I meant to update this sooner, so I just ended up going to Walmart and getting leather shoe laces, 6 ft for $4. I didn't even think to look there until Septimus said something