
Full Version: Did other cities have Vigiles and/or Urban Cohorts?
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It seems to me that other cities of the Roman Empire must have required the services of these types of units. I know that some urban cohorts of Rome were stationed outside the city but I'm not referring to those. Is there evidence of these types of units raised by other cities? I also know that Roman units habitually detached soldiers for a myriad of tasks. Were Roman soldiers detached for these types of duties in nearby cities and towns?

If these did not exist what resources did local officials have for maintaining order or firefighting?


Quote:It seems to me that other cities of the Roman Empire must have required the services of these types of units. I know that some urban cohorts of Rome were stationed outside the city but I'm not referring to those. Is there evidence of these types of units raised by other cities? I also know that Roman units habitually detached soldiers for a myriad of tasks. Were Roman soldiers detached for these types of duties in nearby cities and towns?

If these did not exist what resources did local officials have for maintaining order or firefighting?



There's two other urban cohorts. One in Lyon, and one in Carthage. It's mentioned by Yann Le Bohec in The Imperial Roman Army.

There are several praefector vigilum inscriptions in Nemausus (Nimes) and the building the Collegium Vigiles was found in Aquincum (Budapest) as well.
I think it could be quite common for bigger settlements to have their own Vigiles staff.

Hope that helped
Oops, sorry, I was mistaken regarding the building found in Aquincum.
It was not the for the Vigiles but for the Collegium Centonariorum, whose members acted as fireworkers in time of need.
